MassGIS Data: Community Preservation Act (CPA) Projects

June 2022

This point layer identifies the locations of Community Preservation Act projects undertaken in eligible communities. Shapefile download, with data as of June 2022, was updated on August 15, 2023.

Table of Contents



The Massachusetts Community Preservation Act (CPA) was signed into law by former Governor Paul Cellucci and Lt. Governor Jane Swift on September 14, 2000 (Chapter 267 of the Acts of 2000). The CPA has been amended several times. The CPA allows communities to create a local Community Preservation Fund to raise money through a surcharge of up to 3% of the real estate tax levy on real property for open space protection, historic preservation and the provision of affordable housing. The act also creates a significant state matching fund, which serves as an incentive to communities to pass the CPA.

In the summer of 2007 the EEA, MassGIS and Community Preservation Coalition worked together to create an online version of the CP-3 form which communities complete to give information on projects that the CPA funds. Part of the online submission form is a map to locate a point for the project (if the project has a geographic component). The existing project database was cleaned up and new projects were entered using the tool to catch up the list. The online CP-3 form also allows communities to update information on older projects.

The layer is stored in ArcSDE as CPA_PROJECTS_NEW_PUB.

*NOTE: Approximately half of CP-3 projects have an associated point. Projects without points are not included in this datalayer. Visit the Community Preservation Coalition to access a public database of all CP-3 project information.*


Some points were created by MassGIS, others by the Community Preservation Coalition or town Community Preservation Committees based on an address. Not every project has a single geographic component (and some have more than one).

This datalayer only contains Community Preservation Act projects that have associated points.

Please contact the municipality's CPA committee for more information about projects


The layer CPA_PROJECTS_NEW_PUB contains the following attributes:

NOTE: Fields with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. Others depend. Older projects may only have APPR_YR. New projects must have APPR_MONTH, APPR_DAY and APPR_YR.

PROJID *Internal project id, generated by application, unique, never reused number
TOWN *Name of town in which the project is located
PROJNAME *Project name
TOWN_ID *Town ID (1-351), follows MassGIS town numbering system
APPR_MONTHApproval month 1-12
APPR_DAYApproval day 1-31
APPR_YR *Approval year (some older projects only have year) 2001-2008
OPENSPACEProject has a CPA OS component? Y/N
HOUSINGProject has a CPA Housing component? Y/N
RECREATIONProject has a CPA Recreation component? Y/N
HISTORICProject has a CPA Historic component? Y/N
DESCR *Description
HOUSNEWNumber of new housing units
HOUSREHABNumber of rehabilitated housing units
LANDBUY *Project involved land purchase? Y/N/null
OSACRESAcres of openspace
HOUSACRESAcres of housing
RECACRESAcres of recreation
HISTACRESAcres of historic
SELLERSeller name, if LANDBUY=Y
STATUS *One of these values: Project in progress; Project complete; Project Cancelled
HAS_GEOG *Does project have geographic component? Y/N
ADD_NUMBERAddress number
ADD_STREETAddress street name
CROSSTREETAddress cross street name if any
ADD_ZIPAddress zip code
OTHER_GEOGAny other geographic info, such as book/page or map/block/lot or parcel id or a description of location
EDITOR*Last person logged in who edited the project info - currently either ST (Sage CPC intern) or Aleda Freeman or CPC (projects loaded by Aleda Freeman of MassGIS)
LASTEDITED*Date last edited (generated by application)
SOURCE*Either "web edit" - someone added or edited project through web forms or "CPC"- loaded by Aleda and not yet edited
HOUSTOTTotal housing units
TO_FUND*Y/N whether appropriation is to a fund
TBD_ACRESAcres of to be determined
CANCELED_WHYWhy was project canceled?
FUND_TRUST_TYPEType of fund or trust
NO_RESTRICT_WHYWhy are there no permanent restrictions?
CRCONConservation Restrictions on Conservation Land
CRCON_NAMEEntity holding restriction
CRCON_DATEDate recorded
CRCON_REGWhich Registry of Deeds
CRRECConservation Restrictions on Recreation Land
CRREC _NAMEEntity holding restriction
CRREC _DATEDate recorded
CRREC _BKPGBook/page
CRREC _REGWhich Registry of Deeds
APRAgricultural Preservation Restrictions
APR_NAMEEntity holding restriction
APR_DATEDate recorded
APR_REGWhich Registry of Deeds
HPRHistoric Preservation Restriction
HPR _NAMEEntity holding restriction
HPR _DATEDate recorded
HPR _BKPGBook/page
HPR_REGWhich Registry of Deeds
HRHousing Restriction
HR _NAMEEntity holding restriction
HR _DATEDate recorded
HR _BKPGBook/page
HR _REGWhich Registry of Deeds
CPA_HOUSAmount CPA Housing funding
CPA_OSAmount CPA OS funding
CPA_RECAmount CPA Recreation funding
CPA_HISTAmount CPA Historic funding
CPA_TOT*Total CPA funding (should equal CPA_OS + CPA_HOUS + CPA_REC + CPA_HIST + CPA_TBD + TOTBOND)
OTH_TOWNAmount other town funds
PRIVATEAmount private funds
STATEAmount state funds
FEDERALAmount federal funds
OTHERAmount other funds
OTHER_DESCDescription of what other is
TOT_BONDTotal amount bonded
FROM_FUNDAmount spent from a fund
CPA_TBDAmount CPA funding to be determined (TBD)


These data are updated on an on-going basis by town Community Preservation Committees through an online data entry tool. Also see the Community Preservation Act (CPA) Towns layer, which provides information on municipalities that have adopted the Community Preservation Act.

Project data from forms submitted by the cities and towns during the Spring-Summer submission period will be reviewed by the CPAC and then returned to MassGIS for publication in the Fall.

Shapefile download updated on August 16, 2023.

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