MassGIS Data: Homeland Security Planning Regions

April 2022

This layer represents the boundaries of the Massachusetts Homeland Security Planning Regions as used by the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) for Homeland Security Planning.

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This layer represents the boundaries of the Massachusetts Homeland Security Planning Regions. These regions are used by the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) for Homeland Security Planning.

Two layers - polygon and arc feature classes - are stored in ArcSDE as HLSPREGIONS_POLY and HLSPREGIONS_ARC.

The polygon feature class was updated in August 2021 to be based on the Survey Towns Boundaries (previously based on the USGS-based town boundaries).


The layer was developed by the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency by dissolving (combining) polygons from MassGIS' Municipalities layer. The arc layer was generated by MassGIS using ESRI'S ArcGIS 9.0 software.


The polygon attribute table contains the following item: 

REGIONHomeland Security Planning Region name

The arc attribute table contains the following item:

OUTLINEBoundary type:
 9 = Internal region boundary
 1 = State outline
 4 = Coastline


MEMA will provide any updates to MassGIS.

Updated in April 2022 to reflect recent edits to the Municipalities layers.

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