MassGIS Data: Latitude/Longitude Graticules

July 2005

These two layers represent the graticule of latitude and longitude linework covering Massachusetts.

Table of Contents


Download these layers (ESRI Shapefiles):
 - 1-minute graticule

 - 10-minute graticule


Two layers are available that represent the graticule of latitude and longitude linework covering Massachusetts:

  • MINLL1_ARC - 1-minute latitude-longitude lines
  • MINLL10_ARC - 10-minute latitude-longitude lines

These two layers are meant to be used for general planning, cartographic display and educational purposes.


MassGIS used Arc/Info Workstation to GENERATE lines in NAD83 Decimal-Degrees coordinates using the FISHNET option, which were then projected to the Mass. State Plane NAD83 Meters Mainland coordinate system.


The MINLL10_ARC attribute table contains these items:

LATITUDELatitude value of the line ("NA" if line is longitudinal)
LONGITUDELongitude value of the line ("NA" if line is latitudinal)
LINE_0Indicates whether the line is a 00 seconds line (i.e. 44 00 00)

The MINLL1_ARC attribute table does not contain any items other than those standard in an arc attribute table.


MassGIS is maintaining these layers.

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