MassGIS Data: Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism Regional Tourism Councils

March 2024

The Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism defines 16 tourism regions controlled by a Regional Tourism Council.

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The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is divided into 16 tourism regions that are marketed by a non-profit, membership-based organization called a Regional Tourism Council (RTC). Regional Tourism Councils develop regional advertising, public relations, brochures, and other marketing initiatives throughout the year. The Massachusetts Office of Travel & Tourism (MOTT) markets the state as a whole while the RTCs focus on promoting their specific designated service area of the state. The RTCs are an invaluable resource for learning about attractions, accommodations, events, restaurants, retail, networking, and other tourism businesses. The state’s annual grant program helps the RTCs accomplish their marketing initiatives. In FY24, more than $8.1 million will be distributed among the RTCs to support their advertising, administrative, and marketing efforts.

This layer is named REGMOTTRTC_POLY.


MassGIS developed this layer by grouping Municipalities based on maps of these regions sent by MOTT and consulting individual RTCs to verify their geographic extents.


The polygon attribute table contains the following fields:

MOTT_RTCName of the Regional Tourism Council


The Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism will provide any updates to MassGIS.

Also see the MOTT Tourism Regions.

Date published: March 6, 2024

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