The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) Bureau of Water Resources (BWR), Groundwater Permitting Program is responsible for regulating the discharge of pollutants to the groundwaters of The Commonwealth (314 CMR 5.00).
The MassDEP Groundwater Discharge Permits layer includes “Active”:
- Facilities that discharge 10,000 gallons per day or more of sanitary wastewater*
- Facilities that discharge any amount of industrial wastewater to the ground
- Facilities that use reclaimed water in conjunction with a discharge to the ground.
Groundwater discharge permits are issued primarily for domestic and commercial wastewater, carwashes, laundromats, and certain industrial facilities. The type of discharge and the amount being discharged will designate which permit application should be filed.
*Please note: There may be instances where site constraints would require a discharge of
less than 10,000 gallons per day of treated sanitary wastewater to obtain a groundwater
discharge permit
See the MassDEP Groundwater Discharge Permitting website for details.
The layer is named GWP_PT.
Locations contained in this layer are primarily based on MassDEP Groundwater Discharge Permit Program staff interpretation of site plan maps that accompany the Groundwater Discharge Permit applications. In certain cases, locations may be based on address information associated with the permit.
Associated attribute information is provided by the MassDEP Groundwater Permits database.
The point attribute table for the MassDEP Groundwater Discharge Permits datalayer contains the following fields:
Field | Definition |
PER | BWR Permit Number, Unique site ID |
PERR | BWR Permit Number plus Renewal Number, Unique site ID |
NAME | GWP Name, according to the Groundwater Permits database |
ADDRESS | GWP Address, according to the Groundwater Permits database |
TOWN | Standard (1-351) MassGIS town name in which the GWP is located |
REGION | Standard (1-4) DEP Region ID in which the GWP is located: 1 = Western 2 = Central 3 = Northeast 4 = Southeast |
BASIN | Basin (watershed) in which the GWP is located |
TYPE | Status / type of discharge according to WMP: C = Car Wash I = Industrial L = Laundromat RU = Reclaimed Water S = Sanitary Discharge O = Other Note: a small number of features are coded with the combined TYPEs of L/C or S/C. |
FLOW | Metered flow of discharge; in gallons per day (GPD) according to the Groundwater Permits database |
Related Datalayer
- Location Documentation Table (GWP_PT_LDT) - See MassDEP Standards for Point GIS Data.
- Unlocated Sites List (GWP_PT_USL) - This table lists the active permit sites that are unlocated and not contained in the layer. This table is empty when all active permit sites in the MassDEP Groundwater Permits database are located at the time the layer is updated at MassGIS.
MassDEP GIS and Groundwater Discharge Permitting Program staff maintains this data. Updates to this data are provided to MassGIS on a semiannual basis. A standard component of the update includes the addition of new active permit sites, the removal of permit sites that are no longer active permits. Updates may also include refinements to existing, active permit site locations and updates to associated attribute information to reflect changes in the MassDEP Groundwater Permits database.
Questions regarding this data should be referred to the MassDEP Groundwater Discharge Permitting Program.
Last updated: | January 10, 2025 |