MassGIS Data: MassDEP Regions

May 2022

The DEP Regions layer represents boundaries used by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection for planning and administrative purposes.

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The DEP Regions layer represents boundaries used by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection for planning and administrative purposes

The layers are named REGDEP_ARC (lines), REGDEP_POLY (polygons), and REGDEP_ANNO_REG (annotation, for region name labeling).

The polygon feature class was updated in August 2021 to be based on the Survey Towns Boundaries (previously based on the USGS-based town boundaries).


The polygon attribute table contains the following items:

REGION  DEP Administrative Region
DEP_IDDEP Region Identifier

Codes are as follows: 

WEST1Western region - Springfield headquarters
CEN2Central region - Worcester headquarters
NE3Northeast region - Woburn headquarters
SE4Southeast region - Lakeville headquarters

The arc attribute table contains the item OUTLINE, where 1 = state borders, 4 = coastline, and 14 = DEP region boundaries.


MassDEP maintains this layer. Boundaries were modified in May, 2006, to reflect the re-assignment of some towns to other regions by MassDEP.

Updated in May 2022 to reflect recent edits to the Municipalities layers.

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