MassGIS Data: RMV Locations

July 2024

This data layer contains points that represent the locations of Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) service centers and road test sites, and AAA branch offices that provide many RMV services.

Table of Contents



This point feature class is named RMVLOCS_PT.


MassGIS downloaded a point layer from the MassDOT Open Data Portal and updated it based on the latest listing of RMV locations from the MassRMV website and the RMV's Schedule Your Road Test page. MassGIS refined some point locations to be located atop structures as seen in the most current ortho imagery. MassGIS also added the status of WiFi at non-AAA locations.


The point attribute table contains the following fields:

Field NameDescription
NAMEName of the RMV service center or AAA branch office
ADDRESSPhysical address of the RMV location
TOWNCity or town in which the RMV office is located
ZIPCODEZIP Code of the RMV office
AAAIndicates with a 'Yes' or 'No' value if RMV services are provided at a AAA branch office. Some services at these locations may be available only for AAA members.
WIFISTATUSStatus of Wifi technology. Calculated for RMV service centers only (not the AAA locations)
RTL_OFFICERoad Test Location - 'Yes'/'No'
RDTESTONLYRoad Test Only - 'Yes'/'No'


MassGIS will periodically update the layer based on the current listings on the MassRMV website.

In July 2024, MassGIS added several road test-only sites based on information from the RMV's Schedule Your Road Test page. Points for other sites were moved because of address changes, and two closed locations were removed.

Date published: February 5, 2019
Last updated: July 30, 2024

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