MassGIS Data: State Designated Barrier Beaches

April 1997

This state barrier beach data layer was compiled by the Resource Mapping Project staff at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst for the Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management Program.

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The state barrier beach data layer was compiled by the Resource Mapping Project staff at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst for the Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management Program. The ArcSDE layer is named BARRIERB_POLY.


A polygon coverage was built by digitizing interpreted feature boundaries not including the shoreline. The shoreline used in this coverage is from the 1:25,000 paper USGS Topographic Maps.


The layer's polygon attribute table has the following items:

Item NameWdthOputTypeComments
BBPOLYID45BArbitrary numeric code to identity unique features.
BBNAME88CState designated alpha-numeric code for each barrier beach unit.


MCZM maintains the data.

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