MassGIS Data: Stream-Gaging Stations

May 1996

This statewide datalayer represents the stream-gaging stations managed by USGS in 1994.

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The US Geological Survey (USGS) maintains stream-gaging stations in Massachusetts. This statewide datalayer, GAGES94_PT, represents the stations managed by USGS in 1994. Though maintained by USGS, these seventy one stations are funded by various sources. The points in this datalayer are fairly stable from year to year, though new gages are added and others removed as project work requires.


Gaging station locations and attributes were derived from the data report "Water Resources Data, Massachusetts and Rhode Island Water Year 1994", Gadoury, R.A., Socolow, R.S., Girouard, G.G., Ramsbey, L.S., U.S. Geological Survey. The reference for this data report is MA-RI-94-1, 1995.

USGS staff created an ascii file of latitude, longitude and attribute data pulled from the data report. This file was then used to generate a point coverage. The coordinates were originally measured from USGS 1:25,000 and 1:24,000 topographic quadrangles with an accuracy to one second.


This layer's point attribute table has the following items:

STATION_Gaging station identifier
LONGLongitude of gaging station
LATLatitude of gaging station
FUNDSource of funding for gaging station maintenance
CODEFunding source code


MassGIS is maintaining this datalayer. Updates will be made as information is made available from USGS.

Date published: May 1, 1996
Last updated: May 1, 1996

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