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MassGIS Data: Tracks and Trails

November 2001

The Tracks and Trails Datalayer represents unimproved roadways and trails that previously had been part of the MassGIS roads data.

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The Tracks and Trails Datalayer represents unimproved roadways and trails that previously had been part of the MassGIS roads data. MassGIS now uses and distributes the Massachusetts Department of Transportation Roads layer (formerly the Executive Office of Transportation-OTP Roads layer) , which does not include the tracks and trails. To preserve the linework, much of which appears on USGS Topographic maps, the features were extracted from an earlier version of the roads layer and placed into this statewide layer, named TRAILS_ARC. The linework was derived from the 1:100,000 scale U.S. Geological Survey Digital Line Graphs. It is suggested that this layer be displayed with the EOT Roads, as many of the features are accessible from roads in the EOT inventory.



The arc attribute table contains the item CLASS, coded the same as in the older roads layer: Lines coded 7 for CLASS are "tracks"; those coded 8 are "trails". Most of the tracks are labeled on USGS Topographic maps as "Jeep Trails" or "4WD". The trails are not necessarily labeled on the maps.


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