Members and vacant board seats of the Board of Registration of Psychologists

Learn more about our board members, board terms, and open board seats (if any). We encourage the public to participate in our licensing boards.

The Board of Registration of Psychologists oversees the practice and licensure of psychologists in Massachusetts. These individuals observe, describe, evaluate, interpret, and modify human behavior. This is done through the practice and application of psychological principles, methods, and procedures to assess or change behaviors. The board regulates the practice of psychological practice in the Commonwealth, ensuring the protection of public health and welfare. The board also investigates and acts against the unlicensed practice of psychology as well as any complaints made against their licensees. 

Member NameSeat NameTerm Length
Vacant Psychologist 15 Years
VacantPsychologist 25 Years
Dr. Vicky AndersonPsychologist 35 Years
Antonia V. SeligowskiPsychologist 45 Years
Jessica B, Edwards GeorgePsychologist 55 Years
Dr. Robert CareyPsychologist 65 Years
Jeffrey BrownPsychologist 75 Years
Vacant Public 15 Years
Michael J. O'HalloranPublic 25 Years 

Apply for a board seat

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts’ dedication to cultural inclusion is strengthened by prioritizing diversity, equity, and inclusion for our employees and citizens. BHPL values diverse experiences and outlooks as we continue to shape and foster effective and impactful public service representing all our communities. Your unique insights and expertise are essential for achieving our mission. We invite you to apply to serve as a board member and join us in making a difference. Together we make change happen.

Before you apply, visit Join a Board within the Bureau of Health Professions Licensure and Boards/Commissions FAQs for more information. 

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