Dashboard data is compiled from many sources: required municipal submissions to DLS, annual financial statements, state agency databases, and the US Census. Within each dashboard panel, we identify the source of the live data and make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information presented.
Looking to create a list of comparable communities? Use the Community Comparison report found here. This report allows you to select a group of communities based on socioeconomic trends (population or size), financial indicators, county, and other useful criteria.
For assistance with any of DLS's reports and analytics, contact the Municipal Databank at databank@dor.state.ma.us.
Municipal finance trend dashboard reports
Operating positions
Trends in certified free cash, stabilization fund balances, overlay reserves, general fund unassigned fund balances, self-insured health insurance trust fund balances and uncollected real estate taxes.
Property taxes - property taxation
This report relates to Property Taxation (single family tax bills, new growth, assessed values, tax levies, tax rates, and tax classification).
Property taxes - Proposition 2½ limits
This report relates to Proposition 2½ limits (excess and override capacity, and Proposition 2½ ballot questions).
General fund revenues and expenditures
Trends in general fund revenues and expenditures.
Demographic trends
Trends in labor, income, population and equalized property valuations (EQVs).
Trends in outstanding debt, debt service, bond ratings, and authorized but unissued debt.
Contact for Municipal finance trend dashboard reports
Shared Databank Line