The Division of Local Services’ Data Analytics and Resources Bureau analyzes and distributes data related to local government. All analytics use data submitted to DLS by individual cities, towns, special purpose districts, regional school districts, and state and federal agencies.
Databank reports
All reports
Listing of all reports available on the DLS website based on data submitted to DLS by local governments, state agencies or the federal government.
Analytics relating to debt management, borrowings and bond ratings.
Demographic indicators from various state and federal agencies including population statistics, income, births, registered voters and labor force.
Actual municipal spending analytics as reported by local governments on the annual Schedule A (end of year financial report) and tax rate recap sheet.
Financial indicator
Historical data from Moody’s and S&P bond rating agencies.
Local options
Information about locally adopted excise taxes (meals, room occupancy, short-term rentals, adult use marijuana).
Proposition 2 1/2
Proposition 2 ½ analytics showing ballot question results for all types of Proposition 2 ½ ballot measures as well as the amount of debt that has been excluded from the levy. Historical amount of excess and override capacity available by community.
Property taxes
Trends in property tax rates and levies, new growth and average single-family tax bills.
Property values
Data trends relating to property values and parcel counts by property use code and historical Equalized Valuations (EQVs).
Analytics relating to annual reserves including free cash and stabilization fund balances.
Analytics on revenues by fund as reported on Schedule A (end of year financial report) and budget revenue sources from the tax rate recap sheet.