National Housing Trust Fund Program (HTF)

This federally funded program that assists in the production and preservation of affordable housing with services for extremely low- and very low-income households.

Program Information

Program Description

The National Housing Trust Fund is a federally funded program that assists in the production and preservation of affordable housing with services for extremely low- and very low-income households, including homeless families, who without the availability of integrated supports, might experience less stable tenancies.

Eligible Applicants

  • Non-profit developers

  • For-profit developers partnered with non-profit entities that receive support service funds from federal sources, from private foundations or sources, from the Executive Office of Health and Human Services, and/or from the Executive Office of Elder Affairs

Eligible Activities and Affordability Requirements

HTF monies can be used for:

  • The acquisition and/or rehabilitation of existing structures for rental use
  • Or for the new construction of rental projects.
  • Rehabilitation projects must comply with the Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities' (EOHLC) HTF Rehabilitation Standards. All occupants of HTF housing units must be persons whose incomes are at or below 50% of area median income (AMI) as determined by HUD.

Funding Limits

  • HTF loans are typically limited to no more than $100,000 per unit and $500,000 per project.

Loan Terms

  • In general, HTF monies are structured as a 30-year deferred payment loan at 0% interest, with ten-year extensions available at EOHLC's discretion.
  • EOHLC reserves the right to structure the loan with an interest rate above 0% to any HTF loan.

Selection Criteria

The Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities (EOHLC) gives preference to projects that provide housing for homeless individuals and families. Projects must be financially feasible, complying with all of the loan terms and must. A supportive service plan is an integral part of most HTF projects. Applicants must demonstrate that funding for supportive services is secured to the extent feasible. Additional attention will be paid to the following criteria:

  • strength of overall concept
  • strength of development team
  • demonstrated need for project in the target neighborhood
  • suitable site and design
  • appropriate scope of rehabilitation or construction
  • appropriate total development cost for properties included in proposal
  • financial viability of the project
  • degree of local support, including local funding commitments
  • evidence of readiness to proceed
  • evidence of satisfactory progress on projects previously funded with EOHLC resources
  • certification in accordance with Executive Order 418
  • incorporation of sustainable development

How to Apply

  • EOHLC makes HTF funding available through a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA).
  • Applicants must submit an application for funding using the Department’s Mass One Stop+ web-based application.

Guidelines, Forms, Policies and Information

2019 HTF Allocation Plan

2020 HTF Rent Limits

2020 HTF Income Limits



HTF Rehab Standards

HTF Uniform Physical Condition Standards for Multifamily Housing Rehabilitation

Additional Information

Learn more at the HUD Exchange website.

Contact   for National Housing Trust Fund Program (HTF)


Please listen for phone menu options for EOHLC divisions

Kevin Connor, press secretary


Main Office
100 Cambridge St, Suite 300, Boston, MA 02114

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