Produce Safety Education & Technical Assistance

The Produce Safety Program offers education and technical assistance to produce farms to help them prepare for inspections and compliance with the Produce Safety Rule (PSR), as well as general farm food safety training.

Table of Contents

Produce Safety Alliance (PSA) Training

The Produce Safety Alliance (PSA) Grower Training Course is the foundation that teaches the clear understanding of practices and regulations contained in the Produce Safety Rule (PSR). It is the first step growers in Massachusetts should complete on their path to compliance. The PSA Grower Training Course is a critical requirement of the PSR for those farms covered under the rule, however, the training is offered to all growers, independent of coverage. 

The Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training Course is provided by the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR), in partnership with the University of Massachusetts Agricultural Extension.  The training is offered multiple times per year in locations across Massachusetts. 

Who Should Attend:

Fruit and vegetable growers and others interested in learning about produce safety, the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule, Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs), and co-management of natural resources and food safety. This course will also cover the Massachusetts Commonwealth Quality Program (CQP), a voluntary 3rd-party audit program.

This training satisfies the FSMA Produce Safety Rule requirement for covered farms that "at least one supervisor or responsible party" completes "food safety training … recognized as adequate” by FDA (21 C.F.R. §112.22(c)).

For more information on the Produce Safety Alliance and the Grower Training Course, see:

Workshops, Trainings, & Educational Opportunities

In order to assist Massachusetts growers in preparing for inspections and compliance with the Produce Safety Rule (PSR), as well as general farm food safety training, the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR), in partnership with the University of Massachusetts Agricultural Extension, offers educational workshops, twilight meetings, and trainings across Massachusetts. 

Technical Assistance

Technical assistance is provided by the Produce Safety Team and includes the following services: 

  • Produce Safety Rule Walk-Throughs 
  • Commonwealth Quality Program (CQP) Pre-Audits
  • On-Farm Training Support
  • Grant Information 

Program staff provide one-to-one on farm technical support to assist farmers in understanding food safety requirements under the Produce Safety Rule (PSR), finding grant funding options for upgrading practices, providing support tools for farm staff training, and providing general best management practices for improving on-farm food safety. 

Contact   for Produce Safety Education & Technical Assistance


30 Riverside Drive, Suite 202, Lakeville, MA 02347

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