Protect your financial life online

Cybersecurity is not just important for businesses. Learn more about protecting your financial information online.

Confirm the web address you are visiting

Don't become a victim of phishing. Links in emails, social media posts and online advertising can be fake in an attempt by a cybercriminals to steal your financial information. Even if you know the source, always double check the website you are directed to is correct. 

When banking and shopping, check to be sure the website is security enabled. Look for web addresses with “https:  //” or “shttp:  //,” which means the site takes extra measures to help secure your information.  “Http://” is not secure.

Even when visiting secure website, do not install anything you do not understand or trust. If you are not 100% sure the item asking to be installed is legitimate, close out the program and website.

Use strong passwords

Strong passwords often have more than one word. Consider using a sentence or multiple word password - for example "I love ice hockey" can be used all in one word as a password (iloveicehockey). Some sites may let you include special characters, numbers, or spaces - try using "I L*v3 ice H@ckey". A best practice to consider is for passwords to be at least 8 characters long. 

Don't use the same password for each of your online accounts. Develop separate strong passwords for every account to stop cybercriminals. 

Store your passwords, including your PIN numbers in a secure location away from the account access point. For example, do not store your online banking credentials under your keyboard and do not store your debit card PIN in your wallet. 

Enable authentication options

Your username and password are sometimes not enough to stop a cybercrminal. Strengthen your cybersecurity by enabling two-factor authentication when possible. Two-factor authentication ensures it is you logging in by sending you a code via your mobile device (text or call), email address, or mobile application. Most financial institutions offer two-factor authentication on their online banking platforms. While two-factor authentication is usually not required, it is recommended. 

Turn off your wireless and bluetooth connections

Your mobile phone, tablet, or laptop may all have wireless internet and bluetooth connection capability. Turn off your wireless and bluetooth capability when not in use. Only turn on these features when you plan to use them in a safe location.

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