QCML Criteria for Geotextile Fabrics

This criteria was qualified by MassDOT as of the date posted: June 26, 2024

For a Geotextile Fabric (GTX) to be listed on the Qualified Construction Materials List (QCML), a product must be evaluated by AASHTO Product Evaluation & Audit Solutions (formerly known as NTPEP) and meet the requirements of Subsection M9.50.0 of MassDOT’s Standard Specifications including all Material and Testing Requirements outlined herein.

Table of Contents

Material Properties

The products must meet AASHTO M288 for the different applications

  • Subsurface Drainage
  • Separation
  • Stabilization
  • Permanent Erosion
  • Temporary Silt Fence (Supported & Unsupported)

For federal aid funded projects, the products must meet applicable BABA requirements.

Submittal and Testing Requirements

A manufacturer requesting approval of Geotextile Fabrics shall furnish to MassDOT RMS the following:

  • The material specifications and performance data for their product.
  • AASHTO Product Evaluation & Audit Solutions designation.

All submittals shall be certified to be in conformance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Geotextile Fabrics qualified by MassDOT per the performance criteria shall be considered for placement on the MassDOT QCML.

AASHTO Product Evaluation & Audit Solutions Testing Requirements:

  • The following criteria must be met as part of the product submission.
    • MassDOT Research & Materials (RMS) shall evaluate the AASHTO Product Evaluation & Audit Solutions data, according to AASHTO M288, into the following applications of geotextiles allowed:
      • Subsurface Drainage
      • Separation
      • Stabilization
      • Permanent Erosion Control
      • Temporary Silt Fence (Supported)
      • Temporary Silt Fence (Unsupported)
ApplicationClassPermittivity (min)AOS (max)UV Stability (min)Notes
Subsurface Drainage1,20.50.2250%Slit Film Woven excluded
Permanent Erosion Control1,2 (For Woven);
1 (For Non-woven)
ApplicationMin. Grab Strength (N)Permittivity (min)AOS (max)UV Stability (min)
Temporary Silt Fence (Supported)4000.050.670%
Temporary Silt Fence (Unsupported)5500.050.670%

Product Listing, Expiration, and Re-Approval

Once approved, the Geotextile Fabrics will be listed on the MassDOT QCML.  The product shall remain on the approved list for three (3) years unless one of the following occurs:

  • If the manufacturer does not have the product reevaluated by AASHTO Product Evaluation & Audit Solutions in accordance with the AASHTO Product Evaluation & Audit Solutions GTX Workplan.
  • If the product’s technology changes.
    • If the product formulation or technology changes, the Manufacturer shall notify MassDOT RMS.
    • Manufacturers must resubmit products to AASHTO Product Evaluation & Audit Solutions for testing upon any reformulation of the product.
  • MassDOT RMS determines that the product no longer meets the minimum requirements.

A written request for re-approval must be submitted to the Department at least 60 days prior to the expiration date for the product to remain on the QCML. The manufacturer will be required to submit certified test reports demonstrating conformance to the specification.

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