Qualified Construction Materials List (QCML)

The following are lists of qualified products for use on MassDOT Highway Division construction contracts.

The Research & Materials Section compiled these lists of products. We frequently make additions and deletions to the lists and they are intended for informational use only. Please see note below.

If you have any questions, you may e-mail MassdotQCML@dot.state.ma.us.

Table of Contents


Asphaltic Materials

Bridge Related

Concrete & Related Materials

Drainage Structures & Pipes



Pavement Markings



Materials listed on the QCML have been approved for use in accordance with the specification and approval criteria. The product will remain on the approved list for the duration identified on that list unless one of the following occurs:

  • If the product’s technology, physical composition, and/or chemical makeup changes from what was originally approved by the Department without notifying MassDOT Research & Materials beforehand.
  • If MassDOT determines that the product no longer meets the minimum requirements of the specification based on material testing or performance evaluation.

If a product changes, the manufacturer shall provide MassDOT with updates to the required documentation listed at Submit construction products for use on MassDOT projects under “What you need.”

Products not listed

The following products are not on the Qualified Construction Materials list.

  • Products that are not covered by MassDOT Highway Division specifications and thus require evaluation on the basis of need, performance, and cost-competitiveness.
  • Products that have not been submitted for approval. Submit a product.
  • Products required to meet industry standards (i.e. UL approved; AWWA approved; etc.)
  • Products that need field sampling and testing performed in accordance with Guide Schedule for Sampling and Testing Materials.
  • Tested products that do not conform to the specification requirements.

Products not qualified by MassDOT

The Research and Materials section does not qualify the following materials.

  • Products that are not covered by Highway Division specifications and thus require evaluation on the basis of need, performance, and cost-competitiveness.
  • Products that have not been submitted for approval. Submit a product.
  • Products required to meet industry standards (i.e. UL approved; AWWA approved; etc.)
  • Products that need field sampling and testing performed in accordance with Guide Schedule for Sampling and Testing Materials.
  • Tested products that do not conform to the specification requirements.

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