Recreational Vehicle Insurance

Recreational Vehicle Insurance

You may have paid a large sum of money to own your off-road recreational vehicle and may want to protect against loss due to an unexpected event or accident. In addition, there is also the risk to your assets if you should have an at-fault accident and become liable for bodily injury or property damage to another party. While your automobile policy may provide coverage for your cars, trucks or motorcycles that have been registered with the Registry of Motor Vehicles, as well as trailers attached to those vehicles, a standard policy does not cover off-road recreational vehicles such as unregistered trail bikes, all-terrain vehicles, dune buggies, go-carts, and snowmobiles. Similarly, your home insurance policy may provide limited coverage for small vehicles such as riding mowers, golf carts or wheelchairs, but does not provide coverage for off-road recreational vehicles. 

The Division of Insurance has assembled some information to help you understand the issues involved in shopping for off-road and recreational vehicle insurance.

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