Regulatory Compliance Guidance: Paint Stripping with Methylene Chloride

Find an overview of regulations on methylene chloride use for paint stripping operations.

Requirements for businesses using methylene chloride (MeCl)

Businesses using MeCl in paint stripping operations must notify the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and certify they have implemented the appropriate best management practices to minimize emissions of the chemical.

Paint stripping operations covered under this rule are those that use the hazardous air pollutant MeCl for the removal of dried paint including, but not limited to:

  • paint,
  • enamel,
  • varnish,
  • shellac,
  • powder coating,
  • and lacquer 

from wood, metal, plastic, and other substrates. It is the responsibility of businesses stripping paint to know if MeCl is contained in the strippers they use.

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