Schedule a Pre-filing Meeting

Meet with staff of the MEPA Office to discuss your filing.

Prior to filing with MEPA, a project Proponent may consult with the MEPA Director, Assistant Director or one of the Environmental Analysts to determine any review thresholds the project may meet or exceed and any potential agency action it may require. The MEPA office regularly schedules pre-filing meetings with proponents to support complete filings and in some cases, may help to avoid unnecessary MEPA review.

Scheduling a Pre-filing Meeting

Staff at the MEPA office are always willing to hold pre-filing meetings to discuss how to address standard filing requirements and to discuss any specific or unique aspects of a project and MEPA review. Pre-filing meetings will continue to be held remotely.  A remote pre-filing meeting may be scheduled via this link. As a general matter, pre-filing meetings will be scheduled on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Joint pre-filing meetings with the MEPA Office and the EEA EJ Office will be scheduled on Thursdays. Starting September 10, 2023, in-person meetings can be requested on Tuesdays.

The joint MEPA-EJ prefiling consultations are intended for complex projects, where the proponent seeks specific guidance on community engagement strategies or the scope of analysis of impacts on EJ communities. Prefiling meetings are not required by the new MEPA EJ protocols effective January 1, 2022. If you are seeking general information on MEPA procedures, please book time with the MEPA Office on Tue or Wed.

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