Sexual Assault Evidence Collection Kit (SAECK) Tracking System Project

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts works with health care and law enforcement agencies to maintain a sexual assault evidence collection kit tracking system accessible to survivors.


In 2018, the Governor signed a law granting the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security (EOPSS) the authority to establish and maintain a statewide Sexual Assault Evidence Collection Kit (SAECK) tracking system. Toward that end, EOPSS set up a task force that included key stakeholders, such as:

The purpose of this task force was to assess the project’s requirements in order to procure an online tracking system. The task force held a series of meetings resulting in a report that served as the basis for requirements when the Request for Response (RFR) was released in July 2019. 


STACS DNA has been working with forensic DNA since 2001 and designed the Track-Kit system specifically for the Commonwealth's SAECK project. Track-Kit was specifically configured to meet Massachusetts' jurisdictional, legislative, and processing requirements. In addition to being a web-based application, it has been built to work on mobile devices as well. Similar applications have been put in place in other states such as Arizona, Michigan, Washington, Nevada, and Texas.


Track-Kit is a web-based application that works via online portals. Users are given access to the proper portal that best fits their credentials.

With each portal, users are able to view dashboards that allow them to view their respective current status. The highest level of overview will allow stakeholders to identify, in real time, any issues in the pick-up or delivery of kits and react accordingly.

Contact   for Sexual Assault Evidence Collection Kit (SAECK) Tracking System Project


Executive Office of Public Safety and Security
1 Ashburton Place, Boston, MA 02108
Massachusetts State Police Crime Laboratory
124 Acton Street, Maynard, MA 01754

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