Final Decision
The Siting Board issued its Final Decision in this proceeding on October 1st, 2024. The full Decision was issued in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.
Tentative Decision & Board Meeting
The Massachusetts Energy Facilities Siting Board conducted a public meeting at 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 1, 2024, to consider the Tentative Decision in the above-referenced matter.
Pursuant to Massachusetts Open Meeting Law, G.L. c. 30A, §§18-25; 980 CMR 2.04(1), the Siting Board conducted a hybrid in-person/remote Siting Board meeting to hear comments, deliberate, and vote on the Tentative Decision on Tuesday, October 1, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. at 1 South Station, Department of Public Utilities, 3rd Floor Large Hearing Room, Boston, Massachusetts. The purpose of the Siting Board meeting was to listen to comments, deliberate, and vote on whether to approve, approve with conditions or amendments, or reject a Tentative Decision issued by the Siting Board.
Link to the Board Meeting Notice in English, Spanish, & Portuguese
Link to the Tentative Decision in English, Spanish, & Portuguese
The agenda related to this meeting is available in both English & Portuguese
The Proposed Amendment Sheet for the Tentative Decision related to this meeting is available in English, Spanish, & Portuguese
The parties had to provide written comments to the Siting Board on or before noon on Friday, September 27, 2024. Parties could file comments by email to and Parties were to also be permitted to present brief oral comments at the Siting Board meeting.
The video taping of this board meeting is now available on the DPU Hearings Youtube Page which can be accessed by clicking here.
Evidentiary Hearings
The Siting Board conducted evidentiary hearings for the Project using Zoom videoconferencing from July 18, 2023 to August 7, 2023. Video recordings of the hearings can be accessed at the DPU YouTube channel:
Important Dates
This section will be updated as the EFSB develops a procedural schedule for this proceeding. The latest evidentiary hearing schedule is available at:
May 27, 2022: Company Wind Files Petitions with the Siting Board
October 11, 2022: Siting Board Holds Public Comment Hearing
July 18, 2023: Siting Board Holds Evidentiary Hearings
Public Comment Hearing
The Siting Board conducted a remote public comment hearing regarding the Project on October 11, 2022. A copy of the full public comment hearing notice can be accessed at:
A recording of the public comment hearing was posted to the Department’s YouTube channel, at The transcript of the public comment hearing was posted to the DPU Fileroom at
Written Comments
The Siting Board will also accept written comments on the Project. Written comments will be most useful to the Siting Board if submitted by Tuesday, October 25, 2022.
Participation in Proceedings
Persons or groups who wish to be involved in the Siting Board proceeding, beyond providing comments at the public comment hearing or in writing, may seek either to intervene as a party or to participate as a limited participant. A petition to intervene or participate must be filed with the Siting Board in electronic format, by email or email attachment, to and to no later than the close of business (5:00 p.m.) on Tuesday, October 25, 2022. For those individuals and groups that are “substantially and specifically” affected by energy proposals, and wish to participate actively in the proceeding, please visit the link below to learn more.
File a petition to intervene in an EFSB or DPU Siting case |
Project Information
Initial Petition and Application
The Company’s three petitions have been consolidated for hearing before the Siting Board under docket number EFSB 22-04/D.P.U. 22-67/22-68. Under G.L. c. 164, § 69J, the Siting Board will review the Company’s filing to determine whether the Project would provide a reliable energy supply for the Commonwealth, with a minimum impact on the environment, at the lowest possible cost. Under G.L. c. 164 § 72, the Siting Board will determine whether the proposed Project is necessary, serves the public convenience, and is consistent with the public interest. Under G.L. c. 40A, § 3, the Siting Board will determine whether the requested zoning exemptions in Somerset are required for the Project and whether the present or proposed use of the land or structures is reasonably necessary for the public convenience or welfare.
The Siting Board will not review the Offshore Wind Resource itself (including the turbine array, related equipment, and a portion of the transmission line) as it would be located in federal waters and therefore is subject to federal jurisdiction and review. Additionally, the Siting Board will not review the portion of the transmission facilities that would be located in Rhode Island; these will be subject to Rhode Island jurisdiction and review.
Description of Project
The Company’s proposed Project consists of: (1) two HVDC export power cables with a nominal voltage of approximately 320 kV and associated communications cabling that travel through Massachusetts state waters, proceed below the seabed in Mount Hope Bay and make final landfall at Brayton Point in Somerset, Massachusetts, using horizontal directional drilling (“HDD”); (2) after making landfall at Brayton Point, two HVDC export power cables with a nominal voltage of approximately 320 kV and associated communications cabling continue underground onshore for approximately 0.6 miles to the converter station; (3) a new onshore HVDC converter station designed to convert the HVDC power to HVAC to enable interconnection to the existing transmission infrastructure; (4) underground HVAC transmission lines with a nominal voltage of approximately 345 kV connecting the converter station to the existing New England Power Company d/b/a National Grid substation at Brayton Point; and (5) a Noticed Variation, as described below.
The Company’s filing identifies two primary alternatives for the offshore export cable corridor (“ECC”) in Massachusetts state waters and landfall locations, as well as two primary alternatives for the onshore underground route from the landfall locations to the Company’s Converter Station (the Proposed Route and the Noticed Alternative Route), one location at Brayton Point for the Company’s Converter Station location, and one onshore route between the Company’s Converter Station and the National Grid substation at Brayton Point.
Project Filing with EFSB
The petition to construct the Project includes the following information: (1) a description of the Project; (2) an analysis of the need for the Project; (3) a description of the alternatives to the Project; (4) a description of the route selection process and of the proposed route (Proposed Route), the alternative route (Noticed Alternative Route), and a design variation that applies to both routes (Noticed Variation); (5) a description of the environmental impacts of the Project and a comparison of the routes; and (6) a description of the Project’s consistency with policies of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
- Company Petition
- Analysis to Support Petition Volume 1
- Community Outreach Information
- Information on Project Need
- Route Selection Process
- Landfall Location Selection by Company
- Substation Location Selection
- Technologies Used
- Construction Description
- Description of Environmental Impacts
- Description of Cost Impact of Project
- Environmental Justice Considerations
- Company Position on Global Warming Solutions Act Compliance
- Analysis to Support Petition Volume 2 (Figures and Appendices)
- Route Map Sheets (Environmental Constraints)
All documents related filed in relation to a proceeding are posted to the DPU Fileroom. The Fileroom page for a proceeding represents the official record for that proceeding. The public can access the Fileroom page for this proceeding at the following link:
Language Services/Accommodations
Reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities are available upon request. Include a complete description of the accommodation you will need and a way we can contact you if we need more information. Please provide as much advance notice as possible. Last minute requests will be accepted, but we may be unable to fulfill the request. Please send your requests to: Gabriella Knight, ADA and Diversity Manager at the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs at
Interpretation services for those with limited English language proficiency are available upon request. Include in your request the language required and a way to contact you if the Presiding Officer needs more information. Please provide as much advance notice as possible. Last minute requests may not be able to be accommodated. Contact the Presiding Officer (contact information below).
Any person desiring further information regarding this proceeding, including information regarding intervention or participation in the adjudicatory proceeding, may contact the Presiding Officer at the following telephone number or email address:
Robert J. Shea, Presiding Officer
Energy Facilities Siting Board
One South Station
Boston, MA 02110
617 305-4246
Useful Information
For more detailed information on the Siting process: Energy Facilities Siting Board Handbook (updated 2019) | Guía para fijar la ubicación de instalaciones energéticas (2019)