Energy Facilities Siting Board (EFSB)

The Energy Facilities Siting Board (EFSB) is an independent state board that reviews proposed large energy facilities including power plants, electric transmission lines, intra-state natural gas pipelines, and natural gas storage tanks. To obtain EFSB approval, a proposed facility must demonstrate that it would provide a reliable energy supply, with a minimum impact on the environment, at the lowest possible cost. The Department of Public Utilities (DPU) administratively supports the work of the EFSB and its staff, but the nine-member EFSB makes its decisions independently. EFSB staff also conducts DPU siting-related cases that do not fall within the EFSB’s jurisdiction.

Contact Us


EFSB/DPU Siting Division (617) 305-3525
DPU Main (617) 305-3500


(617) 443-1116


Department of Public Utilities
1 South Station
3rd floor
Boston, MA 02110

Who we serve

The EFSB serves:

  • Energy consumers by ensuring a reliable supply of energy at the lowest possible cost.
  • Communities and residents by ensuring that approved facilities have minimized environmental impacts such as: air emissions, noise, traffic, waste, electric and magnetic fields, wetlands and water quality degradation, visual intrusions, and risks to public health and safety.
  • Energy facility developers who must obtain EFSB approval to construct proposed facilities.
  • Federal, state, and local agencies that are also involved in the review and permitting of proposed energy facilities.

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Image credits:  George Headley

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