State Commissioner Application Process

Apply to become a Commissioner on MCSW

Please note: This page informs how to apply to be appointed to the state Commission, MCSW. If you are interested in learning about the application process to serve on a Regional Commission, please see the Regional Commissions page.

MCSW has 4 separate appointing authorities for a total of 19 state Commissioners: the Governor, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Senate President, and the Caucus of Women Legislators. 

Send an application packet (a cover letter and résumé) to the appropriate appointing authority. Prepare a list of references should they become needed. Follow-up by contacting the appointing authority to ensure receipt of application materials. It would also be beneficial to reach out to people who can speak with the appointing authority on your behalf.

Contact Information

1. Governor's Office

Mail: Office of the Governor
State House
Room 280
Boston, MA 02133
Attn: Appointments Office

Phone: 617-725-4005

2. Office of the Speaker of the House of Representatives

Mail: Office of the Speaker of the House
State House
Room 356
Boston, MA 02133
Attn: Appointments Office

Phone: 617-722-2500

3. Office of the Senate President

Mail: Office of the Senate President
State House
Room 332
Boston, MA 02133
Attn: Appointments Office

Phone: 617-722-1500

4. Caucus of Women Legislators

Mail: Caucus of Women Legislators
State House
Room 460
Boston, MA 02133
Attn: Appointments Office

Phone: 617-722-2266

If appointed, members will receive confirmation papers. Be sure to send thank you notes to those who assisted in your appointment, including the appropriate nominating party. Whether you are appointed or not, exposure to the political process and local government is an important and valuable experience.

If waiting for seats to become vacant, continue to stay involved with the organization, expand your networks, and continue to develop your professional skills. Finally, be sure to encourage others to apply for positions and get involved.


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