State Police's Most Wanted

Below are fugitives wanted by the Massachusetts State Police.

We need your help in finding these people but, the people on this page are wanted for serious and often violent crimes. If you believe that you know the location of one of these fugitives DO NOT ATTEMPT TO TAKE ANY ACTION ON YOUR OWN!

Immediately call the State Police Violent Fugitive Apprehension Section at (800) 527-8873, (508) 820-2121, or your local authorities if you believe you have spotted one of these fugitives.

Luis A. Soto

Luis A. Soto Most Wanted

Alexander Keen Grant

Alexander Keen Grant Most Wanted

Mariano Pereyra Jr.

Mariano Pereyra Jr. Most Wanted

Ingmar Robles Pojoy

Ingmar Robles Pojoy Most Wanted

Jude Demeis

Jude Demeis Most Wanted

Yssael Lantigua Alecon

Leopoldo Espinal

Tajon J. Saxon

Franklin M. Laras

Captured - Franklin M. Laras

Kahmari T. Price

CAPTURED - Kahmari T. Price

Kermith D. Alvarez

CAPTURED - Kermith D. Alvarez

Jerome K. Fordham

Captured - Fordham, Jerome K.

Contact   for State Police's Most Wanted

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