Status of Offshore Wind Lease Development in the Northeast - Online Viewer

Access a web viewer of these offshore wind lease developments that indicates the status of federal environmental reviews.

The Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) is actively working on many aspects to site and develop potential offshore wind projects responsibly, reduce their risks, and cultivate jobs in the sector. To support efforts of EEA's Fisheries and Habitat Working Groups to fully consider potential impacts of offshore wind development, the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) has developed an ArcGIS online viewer that depicts:

Status of Offshore Wind Lease Development in the Northeast - Online Viewer Screenshot
  • Geographical location of the offshore wind leases in the Northeast
  • Size and scope of each project
  • Landfall sites and energy transmission corridors
  • Current status of federal environmental reviews

Launch the Viewer

To start, open the Status of Offshore Wind Lease Development in the Northeast - Online Viewer. Instructions and limitations for use of the interactive viewer are provided within the site. For questions regarding the viewer please contact

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