Supplier Diversity Office (SDO) Training

The goals of SDO training are to educate public purchasers on SDO programs & policies, so they can achieve diverse & small business benchmarks; and to guide diverse vendors & Massachusetts small businesses in doing business within the Commonwealth.

Classes for Buyers

Buyer Onboarding - Introduction to SDO Programs Policies

This class is for new employees or anyone who would like a refresher on SDO programs and policies, and to learn how they relate to state procurement and purchasing.

This class gives an overview of the SDO and covers SDO programs and policies, meeting annual benchmarks, and identifying diverse and small businesses.

Register for this class in MassAchieve

*Search Tip: Use the keywords “SDO- Buyer Onboarding”

SDP Evaluation Guidelines for Goods & Services Contracts

Prerequisite: All participants should attend SDO’s Buyer Onboarding- Introduction to SDO Programs & Policies class or be familiar with the SDP Plan form prior to attending the SDP Evaluation Guidelines course.

Buyers who are responsible for evaluating departmental contracts for goods and services, those on a sourcing team, or anyone who wants to learn more about the Supplier Diversity Plan form.

In this class you will learn the basics of the SDP Form. How to evaluate each section of the form, and how to use different scoring methods. This class also gives hands-on practice to evaluate and score.

Register for this class in MassAchieve

*Search Tip: Use keywords SDP Evaluation

Using Existing Contracts to Achieve Supplier Diversity Benchmarks

Buyers who are responsible for Requests for Quotes (RFQs), those with a Purchaser role in COMMBUYS or anyone who wants to learn more about achieving SDP benchmarks are encouraged to attend.

This training covers SDO programs, departmental supplier diversity spending benchmarks, the relationship between SDO policy, RFQs, and statewide and departmental contracts, and tools available to assist with finding diverse and small business vendors.

 Register for this class in MassAchieve.   

*Search Tip: Use the keywords “SDO- Using Existing Contracts”

Supplier Diversity Hub Training

The Supplier Diversity Hub (“The Hub”) is a new platform which allows agencies and prime contractors to connect with diverse and small businesses and improve the accuracy of tracking, validation, and reporting of spending benchmarks. We now offer the following classes for Executive Agencies procurement staff:

SDO - Supplier Diversity Hub – Getting Started

This class is for Supplier Diversity Officers, Chief Procurement Officers, and procurement staff and provides an overview of the Supplier Diversity Hub. You will learn how to view your organization’s benchmarks and spending dashboard, add users, download direct spending reports, navigate the system, and use the Business Opportunity Exchange.

Register for this class in MassAchieve.  

*Search Tip: Use the keywords “SDO -Supplier Diversity Hub”

Classes for Vendors

Certified Vendor Onboarding - Using Your Certification to Unlock Opportunities   

(PRE-REQUISITE: for certified vendors and vendors who have submitted an application)

This class is designed to assist certified vendors to learn more about using their state certification to identify opportunities in public procurement and develop business-to-business relationships with other vendors.

This training covers SDO programs, exploring business opportunities, creating SDP partnerships, and introducing free resources available to help grow your business.

Click Here to Register

Hub Vendor Reporting-for Prime Contractors

(PRE-REQUISITE: for Prime Contractors currently on Departmental contracts)

Are you a Prime Contractor on a Departmental Contract? As part of all contract terms and conditions, vendors are required to spend a percentage of contract sales with certified diverse businesses. That spending needs to be recorded in the Supplier Diversity Hub (“the Hub”), the online system used by the Supplier Diversity Office (SDO).

In this class, you will learn how to register in the Hub, submit SDP spend reports, add and manage users, and view your current spend.

Click Here to Register

Don’t Miss Out!  Responding to RFQs

(PRE-REQUISITE: for SBPP participants currently on a Statewide and Departmental contracts)

Are you a vendor that is enrolled in the Small Business Purchasing Program (SBPP) and currently on a statewide contract?  Don’t miss out on another COMMBUYS opportunity!

In this class you will learn the benefits of the SBPP, the mechanics of a Request for Quotes, how to identify and respond to an RFQ, and how RFQ’s are evaluated.

Click Here to Register

Pre-Certification Webinar

The SDO certifies companies as Massachusetts Minority Business Enterprises (MBE), Women Business Enterprises (WBE), Veteran Business Enterprises (VBE), and Portuguese Business Enterprises (PBE).

Companies with a principal place of business in Massachusetts interested in obtaining one of these certifications from the Supplier Diversity Office are required to attend a mandatory, two-hour pre-certification workshop prior to applying.*

Click Here to Register  

* - The SDO also accepts certifications issued by a small number of third-party certifying organizations that certify MBE, WBE, VBE, Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Business Enterprises (SDVOBE), Disability-Owned Business Enterprises (DOBE) and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Business Enterprises (LGBTBE). Businesses already certified by these third-party certifiers are not required to attend this training and can learn more about having their certification recognized by the SDO by going to the Apply for Recognition as a Third-Party Certified Business webpage.

 Procurement Vendor Readiness Workshop

Procurement Vendor Readiness is designed to provide certified and small businesses with guidance for identifying and preparing to respond to bid opportunities.

This workshop begins with an in-depth look at the Supplier Diversity Program - its goal, how it works, vendor roles, finding partners, and a review of the SDP form. The workshop also reviews the Small Business Purchasing Program (SBPP) and eligibility requirements and details how they work. The workshop also covers COMMBUYS and statewide contracts, a review of COMMBUYS bids and bid attachments, and available response and post award resources.

Sessions are scheduled to support bid opportunities. Be sure to monitor your email for notifications.


SDO Overview   - This video highlights the Massachusetts Supplier Diversity Office (SDO), its programs, and resources available to diverse and small businesses.

SDP Overview - The Commonwealth’s Supplier Diversity Program (SDP) applies to large Executive Branch Goods and Services procurements .This webcast provides an introduction to the Supplier Diversity Program, what it is, and how it works.

SDP Plan Form - The Commonwealth’s Supplier Diversity Program (SDP) applies to large Executive Branch Goods and Services procurements .This webcast provides An overview for bidders and prime contractors, which describes the Plan Form that must be submitted for procurements over $250K

Finding SDP Partners - SDP partnerships are required for all executive agency goods and service procurements expected to result in spending of more than $250,000.00 per year. This webcast focuses on how SDP partnership works and partnership options, the eligible certification categories, sources for finding partners, and a demonstration on searching in the SDO Directory of Certified Businesses.

SBPP for Buyers - The Commonwealth’s Small Business Purchasing Program (SBPP) applies to small Executive Branch Goods and Services procurements estimated to cost $250,000 or less per year. This webcast provides an overview for executive agencies of SBPP purchasing and procurement policies, a demonstration of how to identify SBPP vendors in COMMBUYS, and a review of the SBPP program eligibility requirements.

SBPP for Businesses - The Commonwealth’s Small Business Purchasing Program (SBPP) can help market your business to Massachusetts' Executive Department buyers.  Although the SBPP does not guarantee contract awards, Executive Departments are directed to give special consideration to SBPP participants when buying non-construction goods and services estimated to cost $250,000 or less per year.  This webinar provides an overview of SBPP and its benefits, the eligibility criteria and application process, and how to search for SBPP designated bids in COMMBUYS.

Resetting a Supplier Diversity Hub Password   - This is a step-by-step instructional video which guides Hub users through the process of resetting a password and regaining access to their account.

Supplier Diversity Hub Navigation  - This provides vendors with a step-by-step instructional video of how to navigate the hub, including managing and maintaining profiles for users and vendors. Login to the Hub and click on help.

Navigating the Supplier Diversity Hub for Prime Contractors and SDP Partners   - This is a step-by-step instructional video for Prime Contractors and SDP Partners which demonstrates Navigating the Hub, reporting on SDP spending and payments received, managing user accounts, and maintaining user profiles. Login to the Hub and click on help.

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