Does DCF have to give me any money when I am under 18?
DCF usually does not give you money directly. Instead, DCF gives money to your foster family or residential program twice a month for daily expenses. It also gives your program, foster family, or guardian money to spend on you for your birthday, for holiday/Christmas, and four times per year for your clothes.
Does DCF have to give me any money when I am over 18?
If you sign on to DCF after you turn 18 and continue with school or job training, you may receive Young Adult Support Payments (YASP) twice per month and/or some money for rent or college room and board up to age 22.
Does my foster parent, guardian, or residential program have to give me any money?
Your foster parents, guardians or custodians do not have to give you cash, but they should be spending money on things for you. The money they get from DCF is meant for you and the things you need while you are living there.
How do I pay for after school activities?
Speak with your social worker about whether DCF may be able to help with fees or get you a scholarship (money from somebody else) for the activity. If DCF can’t help, ask your lawyer for other ideas.
Can DCF help me get a copy of my credit report?
Yes, DCF will arrange for youth or young adults age 16 and older who are in DCF care or custody to get a copy of their credit report, if one exists, once a year and will help them understand the report.
How can I learn to manage my own money while in DCF custody or care?
A good source of help for managing your money and learning other life skills is through the PAYA (Preparing Adolescents for Young Adulthood) program that DCF offers. The first topic presented is about MONEY. You can even earn money by participating! Contact your DCF social worker or an Adolescent Outreach Worker for more information.