Traffic Signal Improvements at Soldiers Field Road at Everett St

Allston, MA Suffolk County

The improvements consist of infrastructure modernization and improvements at the intersection of Soldiers Field Road and Everett Street in Allston, MA. Intersection improvements include the installation of new traffic signal equipment, reconstruction of sidewalks upgraded and ADA compliant pedestrian curb ramps within the intersection, improvements and upgrades to pavement markings and regulatory signage, minor drainage modifications for the area, utility pole and overhead line relocation.

Table of Contents

Project Schedule

This project is scheduled to bid Fall 2023 with a construction start slated for Spring 2024.



These plans are supplemented by the October 2017 construction standard details, the 2015 overhead signal structure and foundation standard drawings, MassDOT traffic management plans and detail drawings, the 1990 standard drawings for signs and supports, the 1968 standard drawings for traffic signals and highway lighting, and the latest edition of the American standard for nursery stock.

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