The Division of Marine Fisheries is partnering with the GotOne app to make it quick and easy to log your catches and enter the data needed to participate in our striped bass citizen science project.
To participate using GotOne, simply click the link below on your mobile device using your mobile device browser. The link will allow you to download GotOne if you don’t already have it, and enable the special features for the Striped Bass Survey if you are already using GotOne.
Here’s how to use the GotOne app to participate in the Striped Bass Survey!
Click the button above to download GotOne, or if you already have the app, to enable it for the Striped Bass Survey.
Once you log a catch in the GotOne fishing app (see video tutorial below), you’ll be able to enter your data and submit the record to the Striped Bass Citizen Science Project. Here are the quick and easy steps to use GotOne for the Striped Bass Survey: