Select Studies & Initiatives
August 2015 - Kingston Wind Independence Turbine Acoustical Study Final Technical Report (With Appendix D) file size 16MB
This August 2015 report provides the final results of an acoustical monitoring study of the Kingston Wind Independence (KWI) wind turbine on Cranberry Road in Kingston, Massachusetts. The study was conducted in response to requests from KWI and the Kingston Board of Health to the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC) and the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP). This report provides additional data beyond what was contained in the Interim Report for Kingston Wind Independence Turbine Acoustical Study dated June 13, 2014.
August 2015 - Kingston Wind Independence Turbine Acoustical Study Final Technical Report (without Appendix D) file size 3MB
This file is optimized for quicker download. It contains the August 2015 Kingston Wind Independence Turbine Acoustical Study Final Technical Report without the detailed acoustical monitoring data included in Appendix D.
June 2014 - Interim Report for the Kingston Wind Independence Turbine Acoustical Study file size 5MB
This June 2014 interim report includes a cover letter to the Kingston Board of Health and provides partial results of an acoustical monitoring study of the Kingston Wind Independence (KWI) wind turbine on Cranberry Road in Kingston, Massachusetts. This Acoustical Study was requested by the Town in response to noise complaints, and it was conducted under the oversight of the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC) and Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP).
MassDEP Wind Turbine Noise Technical Advisory Group
The Wind Turbine Noise Technical Advisory Group (WNTAG) was assembled in 2013 to provide advice on recommended changes to MassDEP noise regulations and/or policies as they apply to wind turbine noise. Experts in noise control, wind energy, municipal officials, consultants and public health and environmental advocates participated in this group which provided input throughout the policy development process.
Research Study on Wind Turbine Acoustics - MassCEC
The Research Study on Wind Turbine Acoustics seeks to measure the level and quality of sound emissions from a variety of operating wind turbines in Massachusetts. The Study will help inform state agencies, local decision-makers, project developers, researchers, and the public about acoustic characteristics of wind turbines
MassDEP Fairhaven Wind Turbine Sound Sampling Study - Interim Report file size 1MB
This May 2013 report provides preliminary results from MassDEP attended sound sampling of the Fairhaven Wind LLC wind turbines (North and South) at the town's wastewater treatment facility on Arsene Street. It was prepared in response to a request from the Fairhaven Board of Health.
Falmouth Wind Daytime Sound Sampling Study Report file size 2MB
This report is a follow-up to the study that MassDEP provided the Town of Falmouth in May 2012, detailing attended sound sampling results for the nighttime period. This study presents results from daytime sampling of the combined sound from Wind #1 and Wind #2
MassDEP Sound Sampling Study: Falmouth Wind #1 file size 6MB
This report presents the results of attended sound sampling of the wind turbine located at Falmouth's wastewater treatment facility on Service Road in East Falmouth. In September 2011, in response to numerous noise complaints from neighbors, the Town requested that MassDEP conduct sound sampling of its Wind #1 turbine. This sampling augments the unattended sound study conducted by the Town's consultants in Summer 2010.
Wind Turbine Health Impact Study: Report of Independent Expert Panel file size 1MB
In response to health concerns from residents living in proximity to wind turbines, MassDEP and MDPH convened an independent expert science panel to conduct a literature review and to prepare a report on any documented or potential health impacts or risks that may be associated with exposure to wind turbines.
Supplemental Report: A Brief Review of Wind Power in Denmark, Germany, Sweden, Vermont & Maine
The purpose of this supplementary report is to provide a brief overview of wind power in three countries (Denmark, Germany, and Sweden) and two states (Vermont and Maine), with a focus on determining if there are any possible best practices and/or lessons for Massachusetts to consider
MassDEP, in collaboration with the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, have convened an expert science panel to provide a report on potential human health impacts that may be associated with exposure to wind turbines.
Expert Independent Panel Members - Potential Heath Impacts Associated with Exposure to Wind Turbines
List of names and affiliations of the expert independent panel members.
Q&A: Expert Panel on the Potential Health Impacts Associated with Exposure to Wind Turbines
Q&A's on the Expert Science Panel and the report it will produce.
Expert Wind Panel Archives: Public Comment Received & Information Submitted
Materials submitted by the public for consideration by the Expert Panel.
Financing & Incentives
Wind Facts and Assistance - DOER
Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard (RPS) & Alternative Energy Portfolio Standard Programs (APS)
Massachusetts' Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard (RPS) was one of the first programs in the nation that required a certain percentage of the state's electricity to come from renewable energy. The Alternative Energy Portfolio Standard (APS) was established to complement the RPS Program, providing requirements and incentives for alternative electricity technologies.
Net metering allows customers of an electric distribution company to generate their own electricity from clean energy sources in order to offset their electricity usage. Net metering can lower a customer's electricity bill by reducing the amount of electricity the customer must buy from the distribution company. Net metering also allows customers to be compensated for any electricity they generate but do not use. Learn more about net-metering from the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities.
The U.S. Department of Energy offers a number of grant, loan and financing programs in support of public and private clean energy projects.
Supports the development of appropriately-sited wind energy facilities.
Requirements & Technical Assistance
310 CMR 7.00: Air Pollution Control Regulations
Emission limits, pollution control standards, and permit requirements for a range of facilities and activities.
MassGIS Modeled Wind Speed for New England
Interactive map application showing where the strongest and steadiest winds are at various altitudes.
Wind Energy Model Zoning By-Law
Use our updated wind bylaw for assistance in establishing standards for wind power development.
Fact Sheet: Developing Renewable Energy Facilities on Closed Landfills
Distributed Generation & Interconnection
If you install new technology or a system, such as solar panels or a wind turbine on your site, there are resources to help you understand the process of interconnection with utilities. This link will take you to DOER's Google Web site.