DSW to LPN Certificate Program 2024

The DDS Direct Support Worker (DSW) to Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) Certificate Program is designed to support DSWs to advance in their careers by becoming LPNs.

For DSWs who have worked in good-standing full-time with DDS for 2 years or more, the program provides the opportunity to receive an LPN certificate -- fully funded by DDS up to $20,000 while receiving paid educational leave.

The DSW to LPN program provides:

    DDS will cover the cost of your education at one of the 21 approved LPN certificate programs in the Commonwealth, up to $20,000.
    Paid educational leave (32 hours per week) to support your full-time program education while maintaining full DDS benefits and salary. Work only 1 shift per week while enrolled in the program.

Spots are limited for this program to 30 statewide.

Please complete the DDS application AFTER you have reviewed all program requirements and have both applied and been accepted into one of the 21 approved LPN certificate program. Refer to the list of DSW to LPN Participating Programs 2024-2025 and the  DSW to LPN Program Checklist AND FAQ 2024.

Each of the four DDS regional selection committees will review and make decisions on applications Beginning March 1st on a rolling basis. This means applications will be reviewed and decided as they come in until all the slots are filled. If all full-time DSW applicants are considered and not all 30 slots are filled. DDS may consider part-time DSWs who meet all the other requirements.

Paper applications will be available in all DDS offices. 

Review program FAQs to learn more.


Table of Contents

DSW to LPN Certificate Program Requirements

DSW to LPN Certificate Program requirements:

  • The program is open to DSWs who have worked with DDS in good-standing for at least 2 years.
  • Participants must apply and be accepted to one of the 21 full-time LPN programs in the Commonwealth BEFORE applying to the program.
  • Participants must pass LPN licensing exam
  • Participants must continue working with DDS for at least 2 years after program completion.

Note that a portion of this education assistance program is considered taxable and may impact your taxes. Consult with a tax professional to determine tax implications.

Review  DSW to LPN Program Checklist AND FAQ 2024 to learn more.

If you have any additional program questions, please email DDSCOOperationsEmail@mass.gov.

DSW to LPN Information

Review information about the DSW to LPN Certificate Program, and watch an informational session.

If you have any additional program questions, please email DDSCOOperationsEmail@mass.gov.

Common Program Questions

Please find answers below to common DSW to LPN Certificate Program questions from our informational sessions. Be sure to review the  DSW to LPN Program Checklist AND FAQ 2024 for more information. 

If you have a question not answered by these materials, please reach out to DDSCOOperationsEmail@mass.gov.

  • Each of the four DDS selection committees will review and make decisions on applications beginning March 1 on a rolling basis. This means applications will be reviewed an decided on as they come in until all the slots are filled. 
  • DSWs should submit their application to the DDS DSW to LPN Certificate Program after they have been accepted into an LPN Certificate Program.
  • If you have been accepted into a program with a deposit deadline before April 1, we encourage you to reach out to your program directly to request an extension. Please contact DDSCOOperationsEmail@mass.gov if you would like help in seeking a deposit extension. Do not pay the deposit yourself. 
  • You must have worked as a full-time DSW for two years or more as of July 1, 2024 to be eligible to apply to the DDS DSW to LPN Certificate Program.
  • If you are already enrolled in an LPN certificate program, you can apply to the DDS DSW to LPN Certificate Program if you meet either of the following requirements:
    1. You are enrolled in one of the 21 full-time LPN certificate programs OR
    2. If you are currently enrolled part-time, but your school can move you from your part-time program into one of the 21 full-time LPN certificate programs.
    If accepted to the DDS program, DDS will pay for your tuition and fees going forward and will not pay retroactively.

DSW to LPN Application Documents

The following are printable application materials. Paper applications will be available in all DDS offices. Applications can be emailed or mailed to:

  • Northeast Region/Metro Region/Hogan:

    • Diane DiGiovanni, Human Resources 
      Executive Office of Health and Human Services 
      450 Maple St. Danvers, MA 01923 
      Email: Diane.M.Digiovanni@mass.gov​​​

  • Central West Region:
  • Southeast Region/Wrentham:
    • Department of Developmental Services
      Attn: Lindsey Williamson, Human Resources
      151 Campanelli Drive, Suite B 
      Middleboro, MA 02346
      Email: Lindsey.K.Williamson@mass.gov

An online application will be available on this website soon. 

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