Massachusetts treatment guidelines and protocols for injured workers

The Department of Industrial Accidents' (DIA) treatment guidelines and protocols cover the majority of tests and treatments for work-related injuries.

The Department of Industrial Accidents' (DIA) treatment guidelines and protocols cover the majority of tests and treatments for work-related injuries.

Treatment guidelines and protocols are used to evaluate if an injured worker's proposed treatment is medically reasonable and necessary. They give guidance to clinicians, insurers, and others about appropriate diagnostic testing and treatment. Members of the Health Care Services Board (HCSB) draft the guidelines. The full HCSB board votes to endorse the guidelines after soliciting and considering public comment. Thereafter, the DIA director adopts the guideline/protocol. Guidelines are not mandates and it is expected that up to 10% of treatment may deviate from the recommendations in the guidelines/protocols.

Table of Contents

Index of Massachusetts Department of Industrial Accidents' (DIA) Treatment Guidelines/Protocols for Injured Workers (Revised 2024)

Carpal Tunnel Release Surgical Treatment Guideline (Revised June 2021)

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) Treatment Guideline (Revised June 2021)

Chronic Pain Treatment Guideline (Revised October, 2024)

General Acupuncture Protocol (Revised June 2021)

Knee Injury Guideline - March, 2024

Neck and Back Injury Treatment Guideline with Appendices (April 2022)

Occupational Asthma Treatment Guideline (Revised October 1998)

Opioid Controlled Substance Protocol (October 2024)

Shoulder Injury Treatment Guidelines (Revised June 2021)



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