We are a collaborative of patients and researchers working toward curing spinal cord injury.
Our mission is to reach individuals and families affected by spinal cord injury and disease, inspire the newly injured through role models and peer mentors, support individuals and families as they begin their post injury journeys, empower individuals with spinal cord injury/disease to reach their goals and dreams.
We are pleased to announce the formation of the Spaulding New England Regional Spinal Cord Injury Center (SNERSCIC) Model System, representing a merger of the Spaulding-Harvard Spinal Cord Injury Model System and the New England Regional Spinal Cord Injury Center Model System.
The hub of our SCI program is the Spaulding-Harvard Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems (SCIMS) Rehabilitation Program, led by SCI experts at Spaulding Boston, a Center of Excellence in SCI rehabilitation.
Journey Forward is a non-profit organization dedicated to bettering the lives of those with spinal cord injuries or disability. We provide an exercise based program working to achieve some of the most basic lifelong functions and benefits for our clients. Exercise is important for those living with paralysis.