- Office of the State Auditor
Media Contact for Audit Calls for Enhanced Enforcement of State Requirements that Promote Diversity in State Government Employment
Noah Futterman

Boston — In an audit released today, State Auditor Suzanne M. Bump calls on the Human Resources Division (HRD) to provide greater oversight and enforcement of executive branch agency compliance with the diversity and affirmative action policies of the Baker-Polito administration.
Under Executive Order 526 (EO 526), executive branch agencies are required to submit to HRD Affirmative Action and Diversity Plans that establish goals and strategies to diversify the state government workforce, reaffirming the Commonwealth’s commitment to civil rights and equal access to executive branch employment and programs. The audit found HRD did not always ensure these agencies filed plans in required timeframes. Eighteen different executive departments had not submitted at least one of the required plans. In addition, HRD did not ensure agencies submitted required progress reports that document actions taken to meet affirmative action and diversity goals. The audit notes that because HRD is not taking these steps, it cannot be sure executive branch agencies are taking all necessary measures to meet hiring benchmarks for women, minorities, veterans, and people with disabilities.
“The workforce of state government should reflect the diversity and demographics of the residents of the Commonwealth,” Bump said of the audit. “To accomplish this goal, the Human Resources Division must do more to provide oversight of the Commonwealth’s diversity and affirmative action policies, and if necessary implement enforcement measures—including hiring freezes—to ensure agency compliance with these policies.”
In the audit, which examined the period of July 1, 2016 through December 31, 2017, Bump calls on HRD to establish policies and procedures to ensure agencies file required plans and progress reports. In addition, she encourages the agency to implement remedial courses of action, such as hiring freezes, to ensure agencies comply with these requirements. In its responses, HRD indicated it would take action on Bump’s recommendations. The audit notes that agencies that submitted all required progress reports were as or more successful, in hiring women, minorities, veterans, and people with disabilities, than agencies that did not.
The audit also notes that the Non-discrimination, Diversity and Equal Opportunity Advisory Council did not meet during the 18 month audit period. Additionally, it notes that all council members resigned at the end of Governor Patrick’s last term in office and no new members have been appointed. This council was established to ensure the objectives of Executive Order 526 were accomplished. HRD told auditors that in lieu of appointing members to this council, the Baker administration issued a new executive order that elevated the Office of Access and Opportunity to the governor’s Office and established advisory councils for Black and Latino issues.
The Human Resources Division is part of the Executive Office for Administration and Finance and provides human-resources (HR) services to the Commonwealth’s executive branch agencies. It is the Commonwealth’s central personnel department. HRD also administers the state’s civil service system for state agencies and many local governments. It received state appropriations of $2,802,000 in both fiscal year 2017 and 2018 and had 125 employees at the end of the audit period.
The audit of the Human Resources Division is available here.