- Massachusetts Commission for the Blind
A Proclamation
Whereas, Braille is an important means of literacy for people who are blind or have low vision; and
Whereas, Braille is a tactile writing system in which a combination of six dots represents each letter, number and even musical and mathematical symbols, to allow for the communication of important written information to those who are legally blind; and
Whereas, Early braille reading proficiency provides an essential skill set that allows school-age children who are blind or have low vision to perform on an equitable playing field with their sighted peers in an educational environment; and
Whereas, Braille literacy enables people who are blind or have low vision the opportunity to read and write independently, creating a pathway to competitive and inclusive employment; and
Whereas, Massachusetts laws entitle school-age children who are legally blind to receive braille instruction as part of their school’s special education services, and afford adults who are legally blind the right to learn braille through the Massachusetts Commission for the Blind; and
Whereas, The Massachusetts Braille Literacy Advisory Council makes recommendations to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education on topics such as braille instruction, literacy assessment for students who are blind or have low vision, and the timely availability of educational materials and expanded braille production activities; and
Whereas, Braille Literacy Month raises awareness of the importance of braille as a means of literacy to thousands of Massachusetts residents who are legally blind,
Now, Therefore, I, Maura T. Healey, Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, do hereby proclaim January 2024, to be,
And urge all residents of the Commonwealth to take cognizance of this event and participate fittingly in its observance.
Given at the Executive Chamber in Boston, this first day of January, in the year two thousand and twenty-four, and of the Independence of the United States of America, the two hundred and forty-eighth.
By Her Excellency,
Maura T. Healey
Governor of the Commonwealth
Kimberley Driscoll
Lt. Governor of the Commonwealth
William Francis Galvin
Secretary of the Commonwealth