- Office of Fishing and Boating Access
The Merrimack Task Force would like to advise mariners utilizing the Merrimack River of the establishment of a Security Zone that will affect marine traffic for the duration of the Tyngsboro Fireworks event on Saturday August 28, 2021. A Security Zone in the area of the Route 113 Bridge will limit travel up/down river as equipment for the display arrives at 5:00 PM. At 7:00PM, a full closure of the river will begin, preventing any and all non-emergency traffic from travelling within approximately 600 feet south of the Route 113 Bridge (in the jurisdiction of Tyngsborough) until the completion of the event from 8:30-9:00 PM. Upon completion of the event, marine travel will resume.
Notification of the event will be broadcast by USCG for the duration of the event on Channel 16. Local boat ramps will have additional information to remind mariners of the event. Law Enforcement and Fire personnel from multiple jurisdictions will be present to assist mariners with questions and for the enforcement of the Security Zone for the duration of the event.
The Merrimack Task Force would like to remind folks to ensure all Boating Safety equipment is present on your vessels with an emphasis on life jackets and the appropriate navigational lights for your vessel (including visual signaling devices for non-powered craft such as canoes and kayaks.) All PWC’s launching from the Lowell/Chelmsford ramps must be south of the Security Zone prior to 7:00PM as you will not be allowed to traverse it until after sunset- all PWC’s need to be off the water prior to sunset.
Any questions may be directed to the Massachusetts Environmental Police or Tyngsborough Police/Fire Departments in Massachusetts and the NH Marine patrol in New Hampshire.
Massachusetts Environmental Police: (800) 632-8075
Tyngsboro PD: (978) 649-7504
Tyngsboro FD: (978) 649-7671
NH Marine Patrol: (603) 293-2037