News and Announcements

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RFI - OBHPP Landscape Analysis  

10/25/2024 Massachusetts Department of Mental Health


Healey-Driscoll Administration Announces $13 Million Investment to Expand BRYT Student Mental Health Program 

5/21/2024 Massachusetts Department of Mental Health

Funds will support students struggling with their mental health through the establishment of bridge programs in economically challenged and under-resourced communities.


EXYO PLANET - Express Yourself 30th Anniversary Show - May 23rd  

4/26/2024 Massachusetts Department of Mental Health


Commissioner Doyle Discusses Why Careers in Public Sector Mental Health Matter 

3/27/2024 Massachusetts Department of Mental Health


Community Policing and Behavioral Health Advisory Council Request for Public Input 

11/28/2023 Massachusetts Department of Mental Health


Express Yourself and DMH Present: Wild & Free  

5/05/2022 Massachusetts Department of Mental Health

Back in person at the Boch Center - Wang Theater!


Introducing Mass STEP: Massachusetts Strategic Plan for Early Psychosis 

11/04/2021 Massachusetts Department of Mental Health


Request for Information (RFI) regarding COVID-19 Relief Funds 

5/20/2021 Massachusetts Department of Mental Health

DMH has issued a Request for Information and recommendations on the use of the COVID-19 relief funds

Press Release

Mass. Department of Mental Health Hosts Family Wellness Safari at Franklin Park and Stone Zoos 

4/26/2021 Massachusetts Department of Mental Health


Spread the Word About HandHold - New Media Tookit Now Available! 

12/01/2020 Massachusetts Department of Mental Health


DMH Celebrates Global Peer Support Celebration Day 2020 

10/15/2020 Massachusetts Department of Mental Health

Today, DMH celebrates the peer supporters who have changed the conversation about mental health and reshaped the way services are delivered.


There could be more to the story 

10/06/2020 Massachusetts Department of Mental Health

You don't have to be an expert to support a friend in a time of need. Knowing how to recognize signs that something is wrong and start a conversation can make a huge difference to our loved ones. We can all Ask, Listen, Encourage, and Check in.


Facebook Live: Mental Health and Your Family 

9/29/2020 Massachusetts Department of Mental Health

How can you recognize signs of psychological distress in your child? When, and how, can you seek help if you spot signs? The Boston Public Library and Massachusetts DMH are delighted to host a panel of experts to answer your questions.


Dates Set for Winter 2020 Massachusetts Certified Peer Specialist Training 

9/16/2020 Massachusetts Department of Mental Health


Mental Health Stigmas in Communities of Color Discussion Available On-Demand! 

9/04/2020 Massachusetts Department of Mental Health