Office of the Child Advocate (OCA)

The Office of the Child Advocate (OCA) is an independent executive branch agency with oversight and ombudsperson responsibilities, established by the Massachusetts Legislature in 2008.

Contact Us

Office of the Child Advocate Logo


Complaint Line (617) 979-8360
Main Office (617) 979-8374
Toll Free (866) 790-3690

For all OCA phone lines hours are Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (closed on State and Federal holidays)


(617) 979-8379


Our office is currently not open to the public for in-person meetings. Please contact us by phone or email. Thank you.
One Ashburton Place
11th Floor
Boston, MA 02108

Who we serve

The OCA’s mission is to ensure that children receive appropriate, timely and quality state services, with a particular focus on ensuring that the Commonwealth’s most vulnerable and at-risk children have the opportunity to thrive. Through collaboration with public and private stakeholders, the OCA identifies gaps in state services and recommends improvements in policy, practice, regulation, and/or law. The OCA also serves as a resource for families who are receiving, or are eligible to receive, services from the Commonwealth.

Interested in receiving the OCA's quarterly newsletter? Sign up here

The Office of the Child Advocate is separate from the DCF Ombudsman’s Office. For more information:

To report suspected child abuse or neglect, please see the Department of Children and Families for phone numbers and instructions:

Please send all Public Records requests to Cristine Goldman at 

Direct press inquiries to

Recent news & announcements

Press Release

OCA Releases Investigation Report on Case of Harmony Montgomery 

5/04/2022 Office of the Child Advocate

The Office of the Child Advocate (OCA) released findings and recommendations Wednesday following a multi-system investigation into the case of Harmony Montgomery.

Press Release

OCA Reveals Effective Implementation of Recommendations from the David Almond Child Fatality Investigation 

3/24/2022 Office of the Child Advocate

New report reveals significant improvements in strengthening protections for the Commonwealth’s most vulnerable children

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