Sexual and Reproductive Health Services

Find information about services like STI testing, birth control, emergency contraception (EC), pregnancy testing, basic infertility services, abortion care, and more.

Get the sexual and reproductive health services you need, all for you.

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) supports and funds sexual and reproductive health providers across the state, offering a range of quality, low to no-cost services. 

Additional resources and contact information

If you’re looking for any of the above services as a result of sexual assault, learn about resources for survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence.

Need answers to sexual health FAQs, what to expect at an appointment, and how to navigate care? We can help. Visit Bedsider’s sexual health page to get the information you need.

Share videos related to sexual and reproductive health services! Visit our YouTube playlist.

Contact us

You can email the Massachusetts Sexual and Reproductive Health Program at

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