This Order Repeals and Replaces the Order Re: Sampling of Case Records Pursuant to Section 6 of Supreme Judicial Court Rule 1:11, Rule Relative to the Disposal of Court Papers and Records G.L. c. 221, §27A issued on September 26, 2018 and effective on October 1, 2018.
Case records not required to be retained pursuant to S.J.C. Rule 1:11 may be destroyed after they are sampled pursuant to this Order, which sets forth the sampling requirements for case records in all departments of the Trial Court.
All case record samples retained pursuant to this Order shall be stamped so as to be clearly visible on the front, "SAMPLED". All containers for such case records shall be labeled so as to be clearly visible on the front, "SAMPLED - SEE SELECTION CRITERIA IN CLERK’S OFFICE." Copies of the selection criteria shall be available on the court’s website, in the storage area containing records, in the clerk's office, and in the State Archives.