WIC Information for Providers

Women, Infants, & Children (WIC) Nutrition Program resources for healthcare providers

Healthcare providers are influential in helping their patients make decisions about their health. A WIC referral from you carries a lot of weight. See below for guidance on WIC Medical Referral Forms, blood work requirements, breastfeeding services, and special or prescription formulas. For full details of how WIC and health care providers can work together, click on the WIC & Clinicians: Partners in Good Health booklet.

Contact Information


Monday through Friday 9 a.m.–5 p.m. If you hear a recording, please leave a message with your name and telephone number. You can also call your Local WIC Office directly. All local programs are answering phones and/or returning messages.


Call Local WIC Office: WIC Information for Participants 
Or email Local WIC Office (XLSX): WIC-Local-Program-Email-Addresses.xlsx 

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