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Location Listing
Showing 1 - 4 of 4 results for DDS Eligibility Services Locations
DDS Central West Region
One Federal Street, Building 111-2, Springfield, MA 01105 DirectionsEach Area Office reports to one of four geographically located Regional Offices. The Regional Office provides management of the area offices and performs the following regional functions: intake and eligibility determination, survey and certification of service providers, procurement and contracts business, legal and administration, abuse and mistreatment investigations, informal conferences to resolve disputes about the identification, prioritization, or provision of services.
The primary staff contacts located in the Regional Office include: Regional Director, Community Systems Manager, Regional Operations Manager, Regional Family Support Director, Regional Eligibility Director, Regional Quality Management Director, Senior Investigator, and Assistant General Counsel.
This regional office serves the following area offices:
Berkshire, Franklin/Hampshire, Holyoke/Chicopee, North Central, South Valley, Springfield/Westfield, WorcesterPhone(413) 205-0800-
Monday - Friday:8:45 am-5:00 pm
DDS Metro Region
465 Waverly Oaks Road, Suite 120, Waltham, MA 02452 DirectionsEach Area Office reports to one of four geographically located Regional Offices. The Regional Office provides management of the area offices and performs the following regional functions: intake and eligibility determination,
survey and certification of service providers, procurement and contracts
business, legal and administration, abuse and mistreatment investigations, informal conferences to resolve disputes about the identification, prioritization, or provision of services.
The primary staff contacts located in the Regional Office include: Regional Director, Community Systems Manager, Regional Operations Manager, Regional Family Support Director, Regional Eligibility Director, Regional Quality Management Director, Senior Investigator, and Assistant General Counsel.
This regional office serves the following area offices:
Charles River West, Greater Boston, Middlesex West, Newton/South NorfolkPhone(781) 314-7500-
Monday - Friday:8:45 am-5:00 pm
DDS Northeast Region
Hogan Regional Center, 450 Maple Street, Hathorne, MA 01937 DirectionsEach Area Office reports to one of four geographically located Regional Offices. The Regional Office provides management of the area offices and performs the following regional functions: intake and eligibility determination,
survey and certification of service providers, procurement and contracts
business, legal and administration, abuse and mistreatment investigations, informal conferences to resolve disputes about the identification, prioritization, or provision of services.
The primary staff contacts located in the Regional Office include: Regional Director, Community Systems Manager, Regional Operations Manager, Regional Family Support Director, Regional Eligibility Director, Regional Quality Management Director, Senior Investigator, and Assistant General Counsel.
This regional office serves the following area offices:
Central Middlesex, Lowell, Merrimack Valley, Metro North, North ShorePhone(978) 774-5000-
Monday - Friday:8:45 am-5:00 pm
DDS Southeast Region
151 Campanelli Drive , Suite B, Middleboro, MA 02346 DirectionsEach Area Office reports to one of four geographically located Regional Offices. The Regional Office provides management of the area offices and performs the following regional functions: intake and eligibility determination,
survey and certification of service providers, procurement and contracts
business, legal and administration, abuse and mistreatment investigations, informal conferences to resolve disputes about the identification, prioritization, or provision of services.
The primary staff contacts located in the Regional Office include: Regional Director, Community Systems Manager, Regional Operations Manager, Regional Family Support Director, Regional Eligibility Director, Regional Quality Management Director, Senior Investigator, and Assistant General Counsel.
This regional office serves the following area offices:
Brockton, Cape Cod/Islands, Fall River, New Bedford, Plymouth, South Coastal, Taunton/AttleboroPhone(508) 866-5000-
Monday - Friday:8:45 am-5:00 pm