Agenda for SRC Executive Committee Meeting June

Thursday, June 1, 2023
1 p.m. - 3 p.m.

Executive Committee Meeting - Virtual

Thursday, June 1, 2023

1:00-3:00pm EST

Join Zoom Meeting:



  1. Call to Order/Introductions

Inez Canada


  1. Approval of Meeting Minutes

Inez Canada


  1. Old Business
    1. Membership update

Inez Canada

1:10-1:20 pm

  1. New Business
    1. Renew the SRC budget
    2. Agenda for June Quarterly meeting
    3. Committee Reports
    4. Vote on FY2024 recommendations
    5. MRC Updates

Inez Canada

Inez Canada

Naomi Goldberg, Ronaldo Fujii, Doug Mason, Steve LaMaster

Joe Bellil

Kate Biebel

1:20-1:30 pm

1:30-1:35 pm

1:35-1:55 pm

1:55-2:10 pm

2:10-2:15 pm

  1. Open Mic

2:15-2:25 pm

  1. Adjourn Meeting

2:25 pm

Next Meeting Date: August 3, 2023

1:00-3:00pm – Virtual

The July 6 Executive Committee Meeting is cancelled.

Attachments: (under read full agenda below)

  • SRC Executive Committee Meeting Minutes_May_2023 – DRAFT
  • Copy of 2022 SRC Budget Request_ Draft 03.03.2022_ SRC approved_0804
  • Draft- SRC FY24 Proposed Recommendations 5-24-23 (This will be sent on May 31, 2023.)

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