Crash Program

The Crash Program allows Driver's Privacy Protection Act (DPPA) permitted users to access copies of Police Crash Reports through the online Crash Data Portal/System.

Table of Contents


The Crash Program allows RMV permitted users the ability to search and request a single or multiple copies of police crash reports.  Permitted Business Partners will be able to utilize the Crash Data Portal/System.  

The Crash Data Portal is for searching and retrieving reports.  The Crash System is for managing the reports.  Only crash reports filed by Massachusetts state law enforcement or local MA police agencies are available.  

Who can participate in the Crash Program?

DPPA permitted businesses with a need to obtain crash reports can participate in the Crash Program.  Most users will receive crash reports with highly restricted information and fields redacted from the crash report.  

The DPPA broadly defines personal information that identifies an individual, including driver identification number, name, address, and telephone number. Highly restricted personal information is defined as an individual’s photograph or image, social security number, medical or disability information.   

Specifically excluded from the definition of personal information is data about vehicular accidents, driving violations, and the driver’s license status.  

How do I access the program?

The RMV will continue to search its database for the requested report(s) for up to 90 days from the date of the crash.
Individual requests will need to visit Mass.Gov/RMV.  

DPPA permitted users will log into the Crash Data Portal/System for copies of police crash reports. 

Crash Data Portal: To log into the Crash Data Portal, you will be assigned a Username (your email address) and be prompted to create a password. 

RMV Website (Mass.Gov/myRMV):  Start the transaction and select Yes when asked if you have an Account ID and Username (email address) with RMV.  A user will now enter the Account ID and Username (email address) that was issued from the RMV.  After submitting the request and paying the fee for the report, a notice will be sent to the user when the report has been found and the user will need to log into the Crash Data Portal to receive the report.  Job aids are available in the Resources section to walk you through the process.  

Crash Data System: Users must have a MassDOT logon to access the Crash Data System

NOTE:  Bulk crash data files are available on a one time, monthly, quarterly, or yearly basis.  Requestors for bulk crash data files must obtain access to the Crash Data Portal to request a crash bulk file and download the file. If you are currently receiving a crash file, crash files are no longer delivered by MOVEit.  For more information on crash bulk files can be found on the Bulk Data page including fees and file specifications. 

Next Steps

Step 1: Register for access to the RMV's Community Portal as a New Business Partner. Only one person can register per business.  (After approved registration, more contacts can be added.) 

*If you are an existing business partner and do not have Community Portal credentials, contact and request a Community Portal logon. Skip to step 3.   

Step 2: Once your registration is approved, you will receive an email with your Community Portal login credentials. This may take up to 5-7 business days.  

Step 3: Log into the RMV's Community Portal to complete the process of becoming an RMV Business Partner for the program(s) you have selected.  This may take up to 5-7 business days.  

The person submitting the request will receive notification when the documents are approved or rejected.  End users will receive an email with their login credentials once approved.  


The following documents are required to be completed in the RMV's Community Portal

  • Access Agreement – depending on your business type the access agreement will be the standard or government version of the Agreement for Access to Records Maintained by Registry of Motor Vehicles. 

    • Visit the RMV's Community Portal, click on: My Business & Programs, click on open details. In the Business Checklists you will find the Access Agreement, click on Complete Online 
    • One agreement must be completed and signed by the signatory authority for your business.  

  • Crash Data Account Request form for Business Partners 

    • One form needs to be completed for the business partner to have an account created or updated.  
    • Visit the RMV's Community Portal, click on the home page, under Download Forms, click on the applicable form, complete the form and upload completed form on the community portal.  

  • Crash Data User Request form 

    • This form is used to add users to the Crash Data Portal/System 
    • Visit the RMV's Community Portal, click on the home page, under Download Forms, click on the applicable form, complete the form and upload completed form on the community portal.  

You will also need to upload Proof of Federal Identification Number (FEIN) 

  • Acceptable proof of FEIN includes the following IRS documents: Form 147C, Form 5372 - Notice of New Employer Identification Number Assigned, CP575 notice (issued by IRS), or Certificate of Exemption Form ST-2 (issued by the Department of Revenue). The document used should be no more than 2 years old and must include the FEIN on the document.  

If you would like to review the documents, please use the links below. 


Contact Information for Crash Program

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