Southern Berkshires Forest Management Projects

Forest Management Proposals and Silviculture Prescriptions are presented by forest management district. Proposals remain posted until the project is implemented with a timber sale, vegetation management project or home fuel wood contract. Silviculture Prescriptions remain posted as long as a project is being actively implemented and at least one year after a project is completed.

Table of Contents

Egg Shell Lot, Sandisfield State Forest

Proposed November 27, 2012
State ForestSandisfield
Timber Sale Acres75
Forest TypeHemlock-hardwoods,oak hardwoods and northern hardwood
SilvicultureThinning and Group Selection
Date Proposed11/27/2012
Public Meeting Date12/6/2012
Public Meeting LocationPittsfield
Harvesting Completed6/1/2019
Contract Closed 5/13/2020

Additional Resources   for Egg Shell Lot, Sandisfield State Forest

Clam River Dam, Sandisfield State Forest

Proposed February 26, 2016
State ForestSandisfield
Timber Sale Acres43, 55 and 52
Forest TypeNorthern hardwood
SilvicultureGroup Selection, Irregular Shelterwood
Date Proposed2/26/2016
Public Meeting Date3/29/2016
Public Meeting LocationPittsfield
Offered1/28/2018; 1/28/2018 and 5/16/19
SoldYes; Yes; Yes
Active5/27/2018; 8/15/2018; 7/16/2020
Harvesting Completed9/1/2019; 9/1/2019
Contract Closed 10/21/2019; 10/21/2019

Additional Resources   for Clam River Dam, Sandisfield State Forest

Brett Road, Beartown State Forest

Proposed March 15, 2019
State ForestBeartown State Forest
Timber Sale Acres44
Forest TypeRed pine, white pine and Norway spruce plantations
SilvicultureSanitation and Hazard Tree Removal
Date Proposed3/15/2019
Public Meeting Date4/2/2019
Public Meeting LocationsPittsfield
Harvesting Completed-
Contract Closed-

Additional Resources   for Brett Road, Beartown State Forest

Hubbard River East Lot, Granville State Forest

Proposed March 2, 2020
State ForestGranville State Forest
Timber Sale Acres218
Forest TypeOak-hardwood, hemlock hardwood, northern hardwood
SilvicultureIrregular shelterwood
Date Proposed3/2/2020
Public Meeting Date3/16/2020
Public Meeting LocationsPittsfield
Harvesting Completed-
Contract Closed-

Additional Resources   for Hubbard River East Lot, Granville State Forest

Cattle Barn Lot, Mt. Washington State Forest – Intemann Lot

Proposed June 30, 2021

The Cattle Barn Lot forest management project is located in the northern parcel of Mt. Washington State Forest.  One component of the project is treating a small failed white spruce plantation and European larch plantation; the former to develop early successional habitat of which there is currently less than desired in the area; and the latter to maintain the vigor of the residual trees; although, the work will proceed gradually to retain the vibrant fall colors in the culturally noteworthy larch plantation.  In the native, natural stands forming the bulk of the proposal area, single-tree and group selection treatments will be applied to increase species and age class diversity in these even-aged stands dominated by a small number of tree species, promoting better resilience to future stressors and disturbances.  The treatments will, in part, be designed to help slow the spread of emerald ash borer, mitigate declining ingrowth and net growth, control invasive species, and direct resources to help maintain the fields as important cultural and habitat resources.

State ForestMt. Washington State Forest – Intemann Lot
LocationMt. Washington
Timber Sale Acres-
Forest TypeSpruce and larch plantations, northern hardwoods, oak-hardwoods, and fields
SilvicultureSingle tree selection; group selection; field maintenance
Date Proposed6/30/2021
Public Meeting Date-
Public Meeting Locations-
Harvesting Completed-
Contract Closed-
Map showing where the invasive species control will take place with the Cattle Barn Lot.
The Cattle Barn Lot forest management project is located in the northern parcel of Mt. Washington State Forest.

Additional Resources   for Cattle Barn Lot, Mt. Washington State Forest – Intemann Lot

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