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- This page, Apply for a repair registration, is offered by
- Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles
Apply for a repair registration
Registry of Motor Vehicles
The Details of Apply for a repair registration
What you need for Apply for a repair registration
The following documents are required to obtain Repair plates:
- A Business certificate from the city or town in which you are doing business.
- Corporation papers from the Secretary of State, Department of Corporations and Taxation (if applicable).
- DPU Certificate of Compliance (if towing for the Police Department).
- Federal Identification Number/Employer Identification Number (FID/EIN) from the Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service. If you do not have an FID/EIN, you can obtain one from the Internal Revenue Service at 1-800-829-4933. If you currently have an FID/EIN, please enclose a copy of one of the following most common forms of proof of an FID/EIN:
- Any pre-printed IRS correspondence that includes corporation name, address, and FID/EIN number
- Federal Tax Deposit Coupon Form 8109
- Form 147C
- Notice of New Employer Identification Number Assigned Form 5372
- CP575 Notice (issued by the IRS). This is a letter sent to a customer to confirm issuance of an FID number.
- Certificate of Exemption Form ST-2 (issued by DOR)
If your business is unincorporated (e.g. a sole proprietor or general partnership), then the pre-printed IRS correspondence must list the owner information in this sequence: the individual’s name, business name, and address.
- Repair shop number issued by Director, Division of Standards, Office of Consumer Affairs (all repair shops that do auto body work, or glass replacements, must apply for a repair shop number, M.G.L. c. 100A.)
- A list of all authorized users who will have access to the Section 5 plates and a photocopy of a valid driver’s license for each authorized user.
- A photocopy of a legal lease or rental agreement for the property.
- Photocopies of the titles of all tow and repair vehicles that will be used with the repair registration. You also need to provide photos of such vehicles.
- Photos of exterior business signs, as well as the posted business hours and the building’s interior office.
- A floor plan: a diagram of the property you will use to conduct business, which will give a lay out of building and display area.
Fees for Apply for a repair registration
Refer to the RMV's Schedule of Fees.
How to apply Apply for a repair registration
To start a new application visit the Online Service Center.
If you would like access to the eServices portal, you must complete and submit the RMV Business Partner and Administrator Access Form.
Please complete and email to rmvbusinesspartners@dot.state.ma.us.
- Complete the Application for Repair Registration
- Submit the required documents
Mail to:
Registry of Motor Vehicles
Attention: Section 5 Division
P.O. Box 55897
Boston, MA 02205-5897
You may also send your completed application to Section.5.registry@state.ma.us
Next steps for Apply for a repair registration
Processing time
- Once your application is received, all supporting documents are reviewed for accuracy.
- Within 1 week from the date of review, your paperwork is forwarded to the State Police Compliance Unit.
- You will receive a letter from the RMV Section 5 Division informing you that the application has been received and accepted. This letter includes an investigation number. Use this specific number for all correspondence/inquiries throughout this process.
- If your application is not accepted, you will be notified, via mail indicating the reason for rejection.
- The State Police will make no more than 3 attempts to conduct an investigation. If you receive a message from the State Police, call them back immediately. If the investigation has not been conducted after 3 attempts, your application will be rejected and you will need to reapply.
- Ensure you have reviewed the list of General Requirements and have met all the guidelines. The list of General Requirements is provided with the application, and also sent with your application acceptance letter.
- Within 1 week of the inspection date, you will receive a Registration Application Card at your business address if the site inspection has been acceptable and your application approved by the Registrar. This card requires an Insurance stamp.
- Once you return the stamped card, and pay the appropriate fees, you will be issued a General Registration and plate(s). This process can be completed by mail.
More info for Apply for a repair registration
Definition of Repairman
Repairman, any person who is principally and substantially engaged in the business of repairing, altering, reconditioning, equipping or towing motor vehicles or trailers for the public and who maintains an established place of business, as defined in this section.