• This page, Apply to transfer net metering capacity from a public entity to a public cooperative, is   offered by
  • Electric Power Division

Apply to transfer net metering capacity from a public entity to a public cooperative

A municipality or other governmental entity member of a public cooperative may transfer some or all of its unsubscribed net metering capacity to the public cooperative.

DPU electric power division

The Details   of Apply to transfer net metering capacity from a public entity to a public cooperative

What you need   for Apply to transfer net metering capacity from a public entity to a public cooperative

  • A copy of the transfer agreement with the public cooperative
  • Any other information that you consider relevant to the transfer request

Fees   for Apply to transfer net metering capacity from a public entity to a public cooperative

Name Fee Unit
Application fee $100 per application

How to apply   Apply to transfer net metering capacity from a public entity to a public cooperative

You must file:

  • 1 electronic copy by e-mail to: dpu.efiling@state.ma.us.
  • 3 paper copies addressed to:
    Mark D. Marini, Secretary
    Department of Public Utilities
    One South Station, 5th Floor
    Boston, MA 02110

Next steps   for Apply to transfer net metering capacity from a public entity to a public cooperative

After you file your application

After you file your application, you will receive a notice from the DPU that you must:

  1. Serve upon the Clerk or Secretary of the public entity
  2. Publish in a local newspaper
  3. Serve as otherwise directed by the DPU

The notice will provide at least 14 calendar days from the date of service and publication for filing written comments.

More info   for Apply to transfer net metering capacity from a public entity to a public cooperative

Below are the names of the municipalities and public cooperatives that have requested net metering capacity transfers. 

Case number Town transferring capacity Public cooperative receiving capacity
D.P.U. 13-96 Town of Orleans CVEC
D.P.U. 13-95 Town of Chatham CVEC
D.P.U. 13-94 Town of Barnstable CVEC
D.P.U. 13-91 Town of Provincetown CVEC
D.P.U. 13-88 Town of Brewster CVEC
D.P.U. 13-87 Town of West Tisbury CVEC
D.P.U. 13-60 Town of Harwich CVEC

Contact   for Apply to transfer net metering capacity from a public entity to a public cooperative

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