File changes to child support if both parties agree to the change

Learn how to change child support orders if both parents agree to make a change.

Probate and Family Court locations

The Details   of File changes to child support if both parties agree to the change

What you need   for File changes to child support if both parties agree to the change

If both parents are in agreement about changing the amount of child support, the procedure is outlined in Rule 412 of the Mass. Supplemental Rules of the Probate and Family Court.

You’ll need to file:

  • A copy of the judgment or order to be changed. You can get this from the staff at the Probate and Family Court that issued the order if you don’t already have a copy.
  • Use the checklist of required forms for a list of necessary forms and other paperwork you may need to file to change your order depending on your specific situation and what you want to change.

These forms must be filed together as a complete packet. If necessary forms are missing, it will delay action by the court. See Probate and Family Court Uniform Guide to Filings.

Fees   for File changes to child support if both parties agree to the change

Name Fee Unit
Complaint for Modification fee (if filed by DOR, there is no fee) $50 each
Summons fee $5 each

How to file   File changes to child support if both parties agree to the change

File in the Probate and Family Court where your case was originally heard, even if you and the defendant live in this state but in different counties. For example, if you were in Norfolk County when support was first ordered, but you now live in Suffolk County, and the other parent lives in Plymouth County, you must file in Norfolk Probate and Family Court.

If the other party lives in a different state, the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act applies. This act allows the parent who has custody to request or modify child support from a parent in another state without having to necessarily travel to that state. Ask court staff for more information if you're in this situation.

Find the Probate and Family Court where your case was originally heard, even if you and the defendant live in this state but in different counties.  For example, if you were in Norfolk County when support was first ordered, but you now live in Suffolk County, and the other parent lives in Plymouth County, you must file in Norfolk Probate and Family Court.

If the other party lives in a different state, the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act applies. This act allows the parent who has custody to request or modify child support from a parent in another state without having to necessarily travel to that state. Ask court staff for more information if you're in this situation.

More info   for File changes to child support if both parties agree to the change

If all forms have been filed and the court approves the modification, both parties will receive a copy of the decision within 30 days of the judge’s decision.

If forms are missing or incorrect, or the judge has questions about the new agreement, the court will notify you within 21 days that a hearing has been scheduled. Both parties are required to attend.

Downloads   for File changes to child support if both parties agree to the change

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